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Everything posted by dangros

  1. old thread but I suspect the battery is dead. Is that possible?
  2. I think a realistic engineering approach would be to have both, where the tradeoff exists but you still have the option to go with the heavier cabin which has a hatch. If I have time, I'll learn to make mods (I'm a C# developer) and add that mod :)
  3. I subscribed to the Apollo K rocket but it says that the servicemodule25 part is missing. I'm not in career mode so I'm confused. I tried to reset the cache using Steam but with no luck. Any ideas?
  4. You are 100000% correct!!! That's what I get for playing late into the night! UGH!
  5. Here are the screen shots of me decoupling and getting all green. All checks are green yet the contract wasnt satisfied. The note says to test it in staging which I did. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198249005446/screenshots/?appid=220200
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