Sometimes When I get on to KSP, my mind goes blank. I have no idea what I want to do. So that’s why I came up with these steps, to help you plan the perfect mission.
1. Where are you going?
This step should be easy. Pick your target. This could be a planet, moon, spacestation, and the list goes on! Let’s go to Duna.
2. What are you doing?
You now need to decide what you want to accomplish. Now that we know we are going to Duna, let’s say we want to find an Easter Egg.
3. Design
We now know we are going to find an Easter Egg and land by it. To find the Easter Egg we need a probecore to get KerbNet. Let’s say we want to find the Egg and then deploy a crewed lander to take a sample of the Egg. This means we need to have a ship with enough Δv to land, ascend and rendezvous with an orbital fuel tank.
4. Build
5. Fly
6. Preform mission
7. Come home
I hope the steps help you the next time your stuck. Happy Flying