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Everything posted by Fight181

  1. Currently in ksp I’m attempting to create an empire across all the planets and moons. Though I have been stuck on deciding what I should do with Dre’s. Originally my first idea was to use it as a penal colony considering its somewhat cheap to access (especially one way) and that it wasn’t littered with remnants of bases/spacecrafts like my other planets. However I honestly think that perhaps eve would be a better candidate for a prison considering the difficulty a kerbal would have attempting to escape it. Perhaps I could use it as a base for a mining colony in the Dre’s stroid belt similar to how Ceres , dres’s analogue , is used as a logistics hub in the expanse. Though that seems like an incredibly difficult task to undertake. So any suggestions
  2. Is it possible to do it with a very small field of vision say 2 degrees?
  3. Does anyone know an optimal altitude to do this at where it would minimize time to map but still not compromise on mapping the entire planet?
  4. Hi I'm wondering if it is possible to have a single orbit in which a camera inside a spacecraft could take pictures/map the entire world of kerbin. The cameras field of view would be the exact same as the field of view seen if you were looking from the locked view from the point on the ship that is closest to kerbin . Daytime/nighttime would not be an issue. I think it is implied in the post up to this point but to clarify this can be done over many orbits of kerbin but the orbit must not be changed and it must be done in a single spacecraft. However, that being said I want an orbit that would complete this task in a reasonable period of time like under 35 years although it is preferable to have an orbit which could complete this in a faster period of time. Also it is preferable to have an orbit that is as close to kerbin as possible. I would imagine that this would be some kind of polar orbit/ an orbit close to a polar orbit. Parameters - Single spacecraft -The camera must be able to map the entire world -Field of view of the camera is the same as the field of view from the spacecraft's closest part to earth in the locked view -The orbital path must remain the same -The time to map must be under 35 years (Preferably in the fastest period of time) -Attempt to get an orbit that is as close to kerbin as possible.
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