Ive been lurking on here for years and I love your IVA posts...My idea is to create a realistic cockpit for aviation. I’m a commercial pilot (helicopter) so having a close to fully functional realistic cockpit is my goal.. I’m currently just focused on one right now, the airbus cockpit pod from the airplanes plus mod. Plugins would be a future plan but right now I’m just experimenting with layouts and functionality, working switches, annunciators etc. Yea the amount of options is staggering so it’s just exploring to see what does what right now...On a side note I saw from another post I’ve found that certain mods prevent unity from loading props...I’ve isolated my problem to TweakScale...I have 50+ mods installed and that was causing the conflict so if that question ever pops up somewhere on the forum...One last question. Does KSP use one gauge readout for each stage or current engine running? Ideally I’d like to try to have separate engine parameter gauges, temp, intake air, thrust tracking engine 1 and engine 2...etc. Unfortunately I suspect it might just look at the entire stage and get the info from there.