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Everything posted by RockKrawler

  1. I’ve decided to go with the MAS system now seeing RPM is quite old...As far as making a config file would the ALCOR cockpit config be a good place to use to see how the config files are set up? I see I have to add a flight computer to the file but as I’ve said I’m new to modding and still learning as I go. Does MAS have built in functionality or does everything have to be built from scratch?
  2. Yea I hear you guys, just thinking out loud....Would be pretty sweet to be on final and have some mod like dang it trigger a hydro failure and then boom, lithobrake engage lol.
  3. Yea not sure why it’s not hashing out...I might just try your new interface seeing RPM is pretty dated. Slowly but surly I’m figuring out the config files lol...Back to the grind.
  4. Hey all, I was just thinking wouldn’t it be cool to implement a hydraulics system to the control surfaces for aircraft..You would need a hydraulic reservoir, pump and lines supplying pressure to your control surfaces..Control surfaces without hydraulics would still work in smaller craft but as the craft got larger the aerodynamic forces would require hydraulics. Hydraulic failures would bring extreme challenges and force us to build in redundancy into our craft. Just a thought.
  5. Holy moly I dig it! I’m not dead set on using RPM, it’s just what I’ve been familiar with for a while. Im just trying to make a realistic cockpit from a pilots perspective...Question, did you guys learn the config files from just trial and error and experimentation? Or from prior coding experience? I’m currently hung up on trying to make a warning light have a continuous tone..I’ve successfully changed the tone I wanted but when I put the line telling it to play continuously it either just plays the normal tone or none at all...Just time consuming having to load KSP to check a single thing lol.
  6. Oh sweet I’ll have to check that out...Yea I figured it was limited in what it could track, no biggie thanks..Is it the same type of layout with switches? I see ASET has a bunch of MechJeb switches but they don’t seem to be active, unless I have to write a config file for that, of which I’m just barely starting to get the lingo.
  7. Thanks guys, will do! I’m just a perfectionist so trying to get it just right....Jeb deserves the best (Kerbal standards anyhow).
  8. Hello my fellow Kerbalnauts, New to the forum but not to KSP. I’ve been playing for around 5 years and many a Kerbal have given their lives in the service for greater exploration and or my demented aerospace designs (sorry Jeb). I’m a commercial heli pilot so I always love trying new designs for helicopters although the engine doesn’t seem to like vertical craft too much. I’ve currently started diving into IVA making so hopefully I can create some realistic aircraft layouts that are functional and who knows, maybe they’ll be up here someday for everyone to enjoy (or criticize). Until then, happy flying and I look forward to being part of this motley group of space explorers.
  9. Thanks!, Ive been lurking on here for years and I love your IVA posts...My idea is to create a realistic cockpit for aviation. I’m a commercial pilot (helicopter) so having a close to fully functional realistic cockpit is my goal.. I’m currently just focused on one right now, the airbus cockpit pod from the airplanes plus mod. Plugins would be a future plan but right now I’m just experimenting with layouts and functionality, working switches, annunciators etc. Yea the amount of options is staggering so it’s just exploring to see what does what right now...On a side note I saw from another post I’ve found that certain mods prevent unity from loading props...I’ve isolated my problem to TweakScale...I have 50+ mods installed and that was causing the conflict so if that question ever pops up somewhere on the forum...One last question. Does KSP use one gauge readout for each stage or current engine running? Ideally I’d like to try to have separate engine parameter gauges, temp, intake air, thrust tracking engine 1 and engine 2...etc. Unfortunately I suspect it might just look at the entire stage and get the info from there.
  10. Hey guys, new to the forum but have been involved in KSP for about 4 years now...I’ve just recently gotten the bug to make my own IVA for some add ons (mainly airplane parts atm) anyways, I’ve gotten unity and adding basic gauges and preprogrammed buttons is pretty straight forward but attaching a function to a random button is beyond me as well as custom light boxes. I’ve been using RPM and ASET buttons but only the ones already attached to the stock function (brakes, gears, etc) there are many many choices in the pack and I’m trying to expand my options. I’ve read the tutorial but I’m in every sense of the word a noob to coding and the phrases used specifically in the KSP coding. Any good basic tutorials out there?
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