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Everything posted by Ratfarts

  1. Hehe.. yeah.. I only have 2 A Type Wings tweakscaled to massive sizes with 2 Big S Tail Fins tweakscaled too. Also I can’t avoid clipping because then I won’t be able to have thrusters or the front part.
  2. Thing is, I have no idea where I can put the struts without destroying the sleek shape I’m going for. Also everyone that says to just add a ton of LONG BIG STRUTS everywhere, I am trying to make a sleek spacecraft called the LF-1 from the movie Venom, so I can’t really add much more than those structural bar thingies which you click a place and then another place and it makes a strut bar thingy.
  3. I was building a very large scale spaceplane, with custom internals inside MK3 cargo bays. The plane was more than 170 parts, probably around 200. When I first experienced the plane falling apart, it was just some clipped parts falling out of the main plane. I fixed this with a few structural connectors. I launched again and when I tried to pull up off the runway, my wings just went crazy and blew the plane up. I thought I might try again but not pull up so hard. So I reverted to launch, and my plane immediately.. well it’s kind of hard to describe. The parts were all separated from each other, but still seemed connected via invisible joints, and then separated and fell apart, some parts were sent away at extremely high velocity. After falling apart, the remains violently exploded along with the runway. I am on my phone so I do not have a screenshot. I will try and get some screenshots next time I’m on my PC.
  4. (sorry if this is wrong category, I'm new here) As most of you know, KSP was supposed to have a story, but it was scrapped by the dev team before it was fully implemented. Here is what the story was supposed to be: In a forum post from late 2013, Squad member Jeff C.(NovaSilisko) described an idea he had for connecting many easter eggs into a story concerning a civilization which predated the Kerbals. Experiments with interstellar travel resulted in the homeworld of this "precursor civilization" being flung out into an extremely distant orbit. Before they froze to death, they launched monoliths and other messages onto many planets and moons in hopes of seeding intelligent life. Instead, they created Kerbals, not-so-intelligent life. The planet would not show up in any map and would be too distant to be observed with a telescope, making locating it by chance nearly impossible. However, players would be able to find transmitters beaming out SSTV signals on various bodies, each one of which would provide part of the orbital parameters necessary to locate it. The planet would be a bit smaller than Kerbin, covered in ruined cities and frozen oceans, and perpetually in twilight due to being so far from Kerbol. The only element of this narrative which made it into the game is the SSTV transmitter on Duna, which transmits an image originally intended to depict 4 members of the precursor civilization standing on their homeworld, with the logo of their government. Had the narrative story been completed, it would also have contained part of the orbital parameters. Because the story was never implemented into the game, this explanation for the SSTV signal's imagery is arguably non-canon. I was just playing KSP, when suddenly I thought of something which is pretty big. On Duna, there is a camera arm hidden underground similar to that of the Curiosity Mars rover. This led me to believe that this ancient precursor race, was in fact, the human race. Since almost the whole Kerbol System resembles our Solar System, I believe that humans had advanced very far, and then accidentally warped themselves to oblivion, and long after, Kerbalkind was born. On Duna, the camera arm which is similar to the Curiosity rover, could actually be the Curiosity rover's arm, covered by years of dust and Duna/Mars sand. In the SSTV transmission on Duna, the 4 precursor members resemble humanoid figures, in my opinion, so this precursor race, is almost definitely the human race. Post your ideas below, and any objections or additions to what I've said!
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