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  1. Hello! I'm currently trying to make a large planet, and now I'm a bit confused - what's the difference between the 'normals' map and the heightmap? And I've already made a heightmap - what should I do from there? Thanks!
  2. I'm still learning and haven't yet finished my first planet, but I checked and found you just need a 1024x2048 DDS image, so I made mine on GIMP and converted it.
  3. I tried that, but the online version's domain has expired, and I haven't set up Excel on my computer yet. :|
  4. I want to create a new planet in Kopernicus, and most of it seems OK - I'm using The White Guardian's guide - but I have no idea what the values in the atmosphere curves mean. I understand the first one is height and the second is the temperature/pressure at that height, but what are the other 2?
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