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Everything posted by jnbspace

  1. Playing this last night I decided on a new approach while in career mode. I'm not going to go through the overhead of deorbiting all the junk but I will occasionally launch a bank of tugs and then immediately terminate that mission. At that point I have spent enough resource to warrant going into the tracking station and terminating 8 pieces of junk of junk that it could reach. Eight because that simulates a failed capture leaving both the original piece of junk and a tug in orbit. That now adds to my simulation a resource cost in leaving junk in space.
  2. Same here. Kerbal in career mode, no mods installed, making history installed but I'm not using that right now/ KSP updated this evening and now any kerbals on EVA can not go anywhere. They can do EVA reports and collect surface samples but there is no way to get them back into a craft.
  3. It works. The debris grabbed .... and deorbitted .... and now having proved that it works I shall ignore the whole thing because there is a lot of overhead in doing that for every piece of debris. Far better to design them to deorbit themselves.
  4. I'm trying this as a way to tidy up some of the junk that I have left in orbit ... It's basically a big rocket carrying a framework which carries ten tugs each of which has a small fuel tank, rcs, remote control and a grabber unit. I won't use it for everything bunt I just wanted to see if the concept would work. I may have put the radial decouplers on back to front (well actually the right way around but I wanted them back to front but it should be fine as a proof of concept)
  5. I had my first collision with debris today. I know the space around Kerbal is compressed compared to the real world but I was still surprised to have a collision.
  6. Merci. I had assumed that the dv values would default to vacuum and built in a margin of error on that assumption. On the plus side it did mean that my craft had huge margins of error!
  7. Since I have started using delta v maps to try to help plan my missions I have noticed that the delta v shown while in the VAB and while in flight are inconsistent. For example I have created a mission to carry a satellite into orbit around the Mun. According to the delta v maps I require about 860 - 1170 m/s of delta v for transfer to the Mun and orbit insertion. So I create a craft which has a stage with a delta V of 1251 m/s However when I get into orbit around Kerbin and have just that stage it shows a delta v of 2962 m/s Why is there this discrepancy? and how when building in the VAB do I know what my craft's delta v really is?
  8. If I am testing various designs of spacecraft is it possible to put a craft directly into orbit around the Mun so that I can try various lander designs etc. without needing to go through the whole process of launching from Kerbing, Munar transfer, insertion etc.
  9. Exactly that at above about 1200 ms-1 the craft is prone to overheating. But for most craft that I launch by the time I hit that velocity I am so high that it will still not overheat. The shuttle would throttle back as it passed the sound barrier. That has more to do with shock waves across the craft than atmospheric heating which is only really an issue on descent and not ascent.
  10. In the real world there is a maximum launch velocity for a spacecraft before stress / strain / heating from air etc would destroy a craft. Looking at the tutorials in KSP Wernher Von Kerman advises throttling down the craft on take off presumably to avoid those problems. However in KSP I have almost never found any of my spacecraft show problems even if I leave the throttle on maximum. Generally by the time I am hitting 1200 ms-1 which is the point at which I would start to see problems I am high enough that I don't see problems. Is there a practical reason (in KSP not the real world) to not just put the throttle to 100% and go for it?
  11. It is switching vessels that I want to be able to do. In that example I have two vessels on return from the Mun. As each vessel passes through apoapsis or periapsis I want to be able to switch to that vessel and burn prograde or retrograde as required. The map view is ideal as it can show me all the data all I want to do is keep that view and change which vessel I am flying. Curiously while trying various options I noticed that it appears that orbits are not updated if it is not the vessel you are flying. Both craft skim the atmosphere to lose velocity and lower periapsis but if I fly one and leave the other to its own devices it keeps the same periapsis and apoapsis regardless of how many times or low it passes through the atmosphere.
  12. Not quite, although that would be useful. What I want to do is in map mode to have one vessel shown with Pe, Ap, Vessel data and manoeuvres shown. That is the vessel I am flying at that time. The other vessel and its orbit are visible but no data is shown. I would like to then switch to flying the next vessel in map mode with Pe, Ap, vessel data and manoeuvres show for that vessel. That was what I was hoping for when I saw a key binding linked to "switch to next vessel". If I use the "switch to this vessel" in map mode it changes to ship view for the new vessel. I then have to switch back to map view and turn on all the data one by one. In other words I want an efficient way to stay in map view and swap between this view; and this view
  13. I have two spacecraft on journeys to and from the Mun and I want to swap between them efficiently. The keybindings suggest [ and ] will let me do this. If I try that in the main view it protests they are too far apart and I should do nothing. If I try that in the map view the keys do nothing. I can, in the map view, click on a vessel and select switch to but then it jumps back to the main view for that vessel. Changing to map view gets me the view I want but now any information on periapsis, altitude, velocity etc is hidden again so I have to turn those on. What I expected to do was to use [ and ] in map view to change the ship I am controlling in the map view and stay in map view. What I would like to do is to do that and also have it show periapsis, apoapsis, vessel data and scheduled manoeuvres for the selected vessel without having to turn them all back on again. Is that possible? It is possible with some kind of add on?
  14. I generally play without allowing myself any reverts ... unless ... I lose a Kerbal when they or the game does something stupid that I deem unlikely to happen in reality. So if I have a space ship spin wildly out of control and plough straight back into the launch pad (as I did only moments ago) no reverts allowed. On the other hand if one of my Kerbals manages, as one did only yesterday, to kill themselves by falling off the top of the spacecraft when it was still on the ground then that I will allow as a revert. I reason that you generally would not have an astronaut so thick that they would fall off their own spaceship thus it is unrealistic and revert is allowed. So what are the self-imposed rules you play by?
  15. Ta. I didn't even know there was an output.log the games should be identical. They are both running under steam, installed in the last few days and sharing an account so even the save files should be the same.
  16. OK this wasn't an entirely successful mission. So I have to shutdown engines, separate the top section and come down on parachutes. Positives are that the pilot survived Negatives are that I'm not sure KSP should really leave my spacecraft in this position after landing!
  17. Exactly as it says. I'm running kerbal under steam on a Windows box and about 10% of the time it hangs while loading. Either immediately on loading or as soon as I select somewhere to go in the space centre. It's not a major problem as it seems transient and a restart usually fixes it but it is strange particularly as this only happens on my bigger computer (i5 based gaming PC, 8Gb RAM, 2TB disk, GTX 1050, twin screens). If I run it on my laptop (i3, 8Gb RAM, 0.5 Tb, bog standard integrated graphics) the entire system crawls along and gets quite hot but it is absolutely stable.
  18. I take inspiration from the Culture novels of Iain M Banks. So my most recent craft have been called the "I can see your house from here" and "Two's company, tea's a crowd" ... it does make it slightly confusing sometimes.
  19. Not sure what GOG is but I've already gone through steam - though I see that the kerbal store pages seem to have come back online now.
  20. So if squad's "store" pages are currently broken. I guess steam is the only way to buy this. Is there a difference between buying it from steam or otherwise?
  21. I've been playing the demo version for a while and decided to get the full version. So I follow the links from the demo version and the websites all fall over. A bit of investigation shows that some pages work some don't. Searching around the pages on the web site that do work seem to only refer to editions running on Xbox or playstation. Googling points back to https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com or 3rd party sites selling steam keys (which sounds a bit iffy). Ignoring the 3rd party sites and going directly to steam finds kerbal there but I thought that kerbal was not a steam game but running on a unity engine directly on the PC. I have played a few games on steam but they have all depended on a network connection. So; has kerbal now become a steam game Is there a non steam and steam version? If it is on steam does it depend on a network connection (I expect that to be no but let's ask anyway) and most importantly of all ... if the get full game link off the demo doesn't work how am I supposed to buy this thing? Thanks in advance
  22. Is there something strange about the kerbalspaceprogram.com web site? I was trying to install a full version from on my main pc here so I followed the links from the demo version only to get a bad gateway error. If I go to the web site some pages work; but other pages on the same web site return a 502 / gateway error Is this something at my end, their end or some weird page specific routing issue? Edit to add - it seems to be the support and store pages, which I suppose could live on another server somewhere.
  23. My first serious attempt at a space station using just KSP demo; the big problem is of course that in demo that has to be launched as a single structure which makes for a rather cumbersome and unstable launch craft; https://kerbalx.com/jnbspace/Space-station At launch it is 541 parts and 300 tonnes. The orbiting station is 151 parts and 20 tonnes.
  24. I will get the full version soon but for the moment I'm just setting myself challenges in the demo version. So far I have managed Mun and Minmus return missions and now my challenge is to get a return mission to the Mun with four kerbonauts aboard. A lesser and easier challenge is to build the lowest mass craft that can get to a stable orbit about Kerbin.
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