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Everything posted by securityinstruts

  1. Updated Mods that caused stuttering while placing parts in hangar and VAB... there was no updated Mods when got latest version and this kept me away from playing After that did few science missions to Mun and Minmus in somewhat new career play with this small craft And loving how you can just freeze game client executable to free CPU while doing other things Edit; Literally under hour after posting this realized that 1.9 is out... RIP my mods
  2. Since Linux gamers do not get update scripts but have to DL whole client when updating to newer version i suggest that updated version would come with a script, that optionally can be run, that asks are there older version from which to import settings, saves and mods. On the other hand since some updates may break mods, these selections should all be selectable separetly... not forgetting those awesome screenshots!
  3. This seems to be true. Tried it by saving after long-ish timewarp and reloading that save before entering MC and they seem to be generated when entering building. Found one mod that lets you to monitor what contracts are available from MC... but the list is only updated when timewarp is cancelled but atleast with this it is possible to manage contracts on-the-fly without going back to base etc and wasting IRL time in loading https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/capcom-mission-control-on-the-go Not quite what i was looking for but hey, if it works
  4. Tittle pretty much covers my question. At this point i would like to get missions to rescue Kerbals/Kerbins from Mun and get alerted of those missions when they appear. i have tried to find suitable one from curseforge to no avail but i am sure that among you there are those with knowledge of something that will fill my desire Reason for this is that i have just now succesfully completed a Duna mission for 17 Kerbals and before expanding and making permanent bases on solar scale i would like to gather as many pioneers as possible as they can be disrecarded saved again from being cursed into oblivion after suitable training mission. So all tips towards getting new brave souls recruited in as easily as possible are most welcome! Cheers to all and many thanks in advance
  5. Another please since cant figure out howto send command line arguments into window$ program from linux.. im soo bad with these It was actually launched in a single go but it consists of 3 parts; 1) interplanetary tug 2) research& mining base and 3) ascent vehicle& tug refueler. Mission flight-plan; Launch! Get to orbit Ike and make multiple trips to surface with parts 2+3 for science fuel. Fuel up the tug before taking the whole thing into orbit of Duna. Land parts 2+3 to near 3 biomes. Drive around gathering science from those. Leave part 2 behind for possible future use and dock part 3 to tug in orbit before beginning trip back to home. So, i have done about half of the mission and it's eating me alive!
  6. I have tried to undock all 8 of those docking ports after forced re-docking upon initial decoupling but looking into editing save in this point a Will look into this also since resent attempts at staging them have not resulted in satisfactionary result! What is this pessimism i`m hearing! Lets get somethings straight; It's not meant for it, it is possibly dangerous and it's piloted by Val all in one piece and this gave excellent -but not reproductable- results as i was able to decouple tug and rover but as it was not upright a whole mess ensued i have been ensured in numerous occasions that these are just results of simulations and that the crew is still safely in orbit of Duna waiting for futher instructions as what, in the actual kerbin, to do There is this tourist crew that would do well as sacrificial lambs P.s. you never know what works a
  7. This is so stupid that can't decide what to do.. I have this vessel now orbiting Duna and i am having troubles... again but this time it's weird since can undock one docking port after which rover part re-docks to tug using another port -this has been normal during previous operations- and after that just can't find any docking port that has undock/decouple option I am beginning to wonder my sanity as this seems to happen even on clean install and no amount of saving&reloading helps nor does jumping back and forth between spaceport/tracking center/vessel. What could i do? Try some 3rd party decoupling mod, edit part file or sacrifice 3 tourists to sun... even ask this on technical support? In any case, you are welcome to try decouple rover from Mun 3.2 vessel from this persistent save and here is picture a moment before everything went sideways
  8. Happy to see more people using alternatives with their hardware =) I can land it on Mun and even start mining but sooner than later client crashes.. been trying to inch save closer to being refueld but having no such luck or endurance with these temps .. Whomever designed this thing clearly didn't test it Tried launching from terminal with __GL_GlslUseCollapsedArrays=0 ./KSP.x86_64 and log managed to log latests events Snips from So, I get this feeling that most likely this problem is at my end Any ideas about tracing this problem are welcome
  9. Thank you for confirming that this craft needs MH ! Sorry, my bad for not realizing it, and will try to mod previous posts to state this, but clad that could give reason to play again =) Trying to find any memory problems but so far no success. @Geonovast you are right, I did exclude those details for possible future support request =) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz × 4 16GB DDR-1333 -have had issues before, thus lower clock 2GB GTX 660 Client uses about 3,4GB memory and ~60% of CPU while GPU goes with ~70% cycles and bit over 600MB.. temps are okay and no errors to be found after client disappears This is like 7-6 years old custom build desktop with its own problems =D If launched from terminal, said terminal just hangs -can't find that memory trace, many halps needed And most of all.. how do you add pictured /have pictures instead of link to be shown? Managed to fumble my local file save so had to DL uploaded and.. G-Damn! Battery power does not last over night and nuclear engines drained upper stage but managed finally to touchdown only to discover that this version does not have enough cooling power https://imgur.com/a/fuDRl8t
  10. Thank you for those kind words =D Will try my best to learn things so you don't have to tolerate most noobish questions
  11. Sorry about that... i'm so green with this ;-) Try downloading it from kerbalx through this link. I do hope users can DL without signing in.. if that does not allow you to DL it then, im oh-so happy to hear about alternative upload places or else we have to get creative Does it require MH... im totally, happily, clueless about this since haven't started client without MH but i didn't use any sensational crew modules or such
  12. Hi all, This is my first take on making semi-permanent research& miner base on the Mun with small Munar orbital refueler but i have been suffering some crashes after creating it and thus testing actual performance is lacking. Would love if Linux users would try this out and report how they fare since cant get any error codes myself. Client either mysteriously disappears or terminal hangs with ~450kb memory usage(forcing it to close causes system to freeze up) and no logs are generated... or then just find them myself These problems occur more frequently on Mun and of course everybody should feel free to try if they decide so Using System Linux Mint 18 Sarah 64-bit Kernel 4.4.0-135-generic Nvidia 410.78 KSP version Making History version 1.6.1 Craft from KerbalX If Jeb sometimes tries something un-usual when piloting, then Bill has the same urge to show off while supervising operations Bill doing a stand-still wheelie -from imgur Look at the silly bugger =) https://imgur.com/ujzdItu
  13. Thank you for your reply and the link! Reason why i wanted that poll is to see if i'm just blind moron or are the answers "common knowledge" since didn't quickly find answers Will share that vessel to try and get people to try if it causes crashes for them, just one step in trying to figure out is it because my system, installation, craft or some sort of bug in the game before submitting anything resembling technical question. Maybe need to go with the moron option since just learned how to make polls
  14. Hello all, How could i attach picture of a craft and a craft-file in The Spacecraft Exchange? I can see that "insert other media"-button but I have no existing attachments and can't find a place to upload those attachments. For pictures imgur.com is suffient but where should i upload .craft files? Reason for doing this would be to ask if people are having crashes etc in KSP version and 1.6.1 Making History with that craft since these weird no-error freezes have started to disrupt my system. I'm on Linux Mint 18 Sarah 64-bit with 4.4.0-135-generic kernel and using 410.78 Nvidia. P.s. It would be nice that text after linking and naming a URL would not be in link color P.s.s. since im completely green and Mod has to read this, could said Mod create poll for this post? simple yes/no answer to question "Was this question needed?" since didnt myself find guide about making polls
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