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Posts posted by archiebald

  1. 11 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:


    The stock alarm clock may be missing some of the alarm options that KAC has, but the core functionality of setting and receiving alarms is working just fine in 1.12.2. Unless you have a wildly different meaning for the phrase 'it works', it's fine. (There's even a mod that fills in some of the gaps with it)

    Well, it just doesn't "work", at least for me in career mode.

    No matter how I set it to pause the game and sound an alarm, once I have transferred to another vessel, any alarms on other vessels may as well not exist.  Totally broken.

    I completely stopped using it, and simply reinstalled the original KAC mod.  Life is peachy again.

  2. I have a very long ongoing career where I use a Kerbal prefix followed by a name.  The prefix tells me what the vessel does, the names are based on design classes similar to naval ships.

    KST - orbiting station named for their planet- so KST Minmus, KST Duna etc.

    KSB - landed base - KSB Mun Alpha etc

    KSP - Spaceplane - Hawk class so KSP Eagle, KSP Merlin, KSP Kestrel etc.

    KLC - Heavy lift craft for ore - named for Greek olympic weightlifters so KLC Bentelli, KLC Dimas etc.

    KSS - Kerballed spaceship with no reentry, Gem class and Legionnaire class so KSS Amethyst, KSS Sapphire and KSS Legatus, KSS Praefecti

    KSM - Kerballed rovers and since I use a lot of Feline Utility rovers, they are KSM Jaguar, KSM Leopard etc.

    KMV - Ore mining vessels with orbital capability based on real life Ore class so KMV Acanthite, KMV Chalocite, KMV Malachite etc.

    KSL - light and nimble landers designed for surface to orbit only of the Antelope class such as KSL Serow, KSL Eland, KSL Springbok

    KCO - Commnet satellite, generally named for orbit

    KPS - Probe satellite named for planet and number in series similar to the Surveyor, Mariner, Venera etc.

    etc etc.

  3. On 8/16/2021 at 11:54 PM, KerrMü said:

    @JPLRepo Hey man, thank you for the quick fix.

    I installed it 3 days ago and it stopped the drifting, hurray. However, I noticed another small problem since then. Remember the bug that caused docking ports to lock up when an undeployed fairing is present on the vessel? Well, it´s back in my career save. > I can`t undock anything from space stations or the fleet I was just about to send on it´s way to duna when there´s a fairing on the vessel - almost all of them.

    May I kindly ask if you think this mod could have anything to do with that? It´s the only thing I changed since 1.12.2 and the only other mods I´m running are EVE, Scatterer and WaypointManager.

    And has anyone any ideas how to fix this? So far I´ve tried to reverse it by testing older save points, removing mods and reinstalling the game, but without success. I´m sorry to bother you with this, but I´m out of ideas.

    Have you tried using KML to reset the docking ports so they can undock?  Not sure if it will fix your particular problem but I remember using it a couple of years ago when I couldn't undock some craft.

    Also some chat in this old thread.


  4. +1 for AnyRes, I was using it last year on my 1.81 and 1.10 installs.  It doesn't cure the resolution change, but it makes it very easy to reset to your desired setting in-game without having to drop back to the main menu.

    This has been an ongoing problem, but I am now running 1.12.2 (albeit on a new computer) and I have to say the resolution appears to be much more stable.  Of course this could be different hardware or drivers.

    In my case I aim for 1920x1080 but it pops to 4K.  In 1.12.2 it has still done it a few times when changing scenes, but then as the new scene fully loads up, it resets to my desired resolution 99 times out of a hundred.

  5. I have used Restock for ages, just got back into playing with KSP 1.12.2 and did a reinstall with all my usual mods. (also BG and MH are installed)

    I found that when loading existing saved craft from my career in the VAB, the Gigantor solar arrays would be extended through fairings, even when their status panel said retracted.  So I retract them (which extends them), then finally I can retract them.  Then I send the craft to launch, and the arrays are extended again (but not active as they are in fixed alignment).

    Also, any time I switch back to a vessel having gigantors, they appear extended even though they are not in reality.

    After a bit of troubleshooting with a sandbox test in a completely clean install of KSP + BG + MH, I had only Restock and Module Manager installed via CKAN.  In fact, CKAN won't allow Restock without MM.  The issue with the solar arrays is present in this case.

    The arrays are even showing as extended in the parts list in the VAB and when you initially place them, they are extended.

    Any hints or tips please?

  6. I know that bases have always been finicky but this has been an ongoing annoying problem for a career I started back in 1.7, carried through 1.8 and 1.9 and now in 1.12.2

    I have bases on Minmus and Mun that produce ore and fuel.  I use lander tankers to ferry it up to an orbiting refuelling station for ships coming through.  I have three various lander designs on Mun and two on Minmus.  Of these five, just two cause me problems.

    During landing, as I get into physics range of 2.3km these two landers cause various parts of the the base below to randomly jump and explode.  I soon learned to quicksave before getting to this point so I'll rerun the landing attempt and about 1 time in 4, I'll get get it down with no issues.

    The other three landers never caused any problems at all, 100% landing rate with no oopsies.

    So, obviously there is something about these particular landers that affects the physics of other vessels.  The only obvious difference is the part count being considerably higher on the troublesome landers.  I could replace them but I don't know if that will solve anything and I really don't want to scrap them as they are also designed as skycranes for base upgrades.

    I run plenty of mods including parts that are used in both bases and landers so I cannot simply remove mods which I know makes it is difficult to know where to start looking.

    I know this would be a difficult thing to solve but I would appreciate if anyone can at least point me in a direction to start researching before I go off in the wrong direction.


  7. On 8/3/2021 at 5:03 AM, Can't fit through hatch said:

    I have just confirmed that it's a game problem, I reset the options, changed only the resolution and ran the game with all my fancy 4k mods and my GPU was running at a comfortable 40% load and barely getting warmer. So somewhere in the graphics settings is an option that demands significantly more ressources than even the most power hungry of mods which should not be happening I think. I will try playing around with the options to isolate the problematic one and report back.

    Edit: I found the issue: The "Reflection Refresh Mode" Option cannot be higher than medium. So in summary: When switching "Reflection Refresh Mode" from "Medium" to "Every Frame" the GPU usage jumps up  by 30-40% on my NVIDEA Geforce RTX3060Ti, I will ofc just keep it on medium and enjoy the game but if this issue is reproduceable it might be worth fixing (if possible).

    This is good information,  I just built a new system based on an i5-11600, Nvidea RTX3080 and 32GB of Ram  so I didn't expect any issues.

    I then gleefully cranked up everything in the graphics compared to my previous potato and have been very, very impressed with the new views I have of KSP....until that is I went outside on Kerbin, or switched to one of my Rovers on a planet with atmosphere (no problems anywhere else though).  Even though I am running Scatterer, I was surprised when the cooling fans started screaming. 

    I had already set max frames to 60 since I only have a 60Hz refresh on my 4K monitor, but I remember selecting "Reflection Refresh Mode" to "Every Frame", not knowing the consequences so I will be toning this down tonight when I get home.

    I will report back later.

  8. If you want to cheat, there are several ways to do it.

    Not sure if there is an in-game method, never looked to be honest.

    But, for example, you could directly edit one of your save games or preferably you could use KML to do it.  It's also a very handy tool for minor vessel repairs or recovery, and if you are careful you can even do some limited upgrades to already launched vessels.  I used this to convert a couple of my interplanetary shuttles to nuclear engines and liquid fuel only (sort of a refit in orbit)

    Personally I prefer the career challenge of leveling the crews up naturally by moving them around the solar system on missions, but that's the beauty of KSP, we can all choose our own path.


  9. A couple of years back I was playing 1.8.1, now I got a new computer so decided to get back into KSP with an install of 1.12.1.  Even knowing KSP of old, I am shocked how bad some elements are, especially the wobbly parts and docking ports, plus I already run with plenty of mods including Astrogator, KAC etc so I really don't need some of the "new" stock features added to 1.12.

    I don't want to wait around in vain hope for everything to be fixed in 1.12.2....whenever that may happen, so, for now I think I will just go back to "The Best Most Recent Version".  I completely skipped over 1.9, 1.10 or 1.11 so would appreciate any comments on stability / bugs / features from any players with experience.

    What would you consider the "best" version after 1.8.1 (or is 1.8.1 indeed the "best" and I should just go back there?) - , btw, I play with both Making History and Breaking Ground

  10. Hi guys, long time since my last post.

    I know there is a recent post on the issue of rotation of the ports but my issue is a little different 

    After a hiatus, I just installed 1.12.1 and transferred all my mods and save games from a 1.8.1 setup that I had been playing a year or two back.  Everything works fine but I have noticed that all of my orbiting stations made up of docked parts suddenly became very loose and flexible.  Basically we are talking early stages of Kraken destruction here.

    In 1.8.1 the same structures never exhibited this.  I know there are many other changes between 1.8.1 and 1.12.1 but was wondering if anyone else had noticed more "wobbliness" with the updated docking ports?

  11. On 12/28/2020 at 8:05 AM, SeanJames2323 said:

    Hello, first thanks for maintaining this mod, it's extremely useful. I'm having a minor issue with it where every time I switch scenes or switch between craft right next to eachother, my resolution returns back to 4k and I need to press alt + / again to change it back to 1440p. This isn't world-crushingly annoying, but I do need to move some info windows around when this happens which is a minor nuisance. Is this normal behaviour due to limitations of the game, or has anyone found a workaround? Thanks in advance for any response.

    As mentioned earlier, I have been having the problem non-stop - if anything it has become worse.  Previously it would happen every hour or two, now it is happening on every scene change like you.  I have tried every solution mentioned everywhere but the only true fix is to change the Windows desktop to the resolution you want to play the game in before starting the game.  A hassle for sure, but the lesser of two evils.

    On the other hand, the other day I started a session forgetting to change from 4K to 1920x1080 as usual, but the game remained working for about 4 hours before crashing back to 4K.

    In my experience, running with mods or vanilla doesn't make a difference.

  12. 3 hours ago, Gargamel said:

    The vast majority of users here have purchased the game through steam.  If you only look at tech support issues to see reliability, then of course you'll see nothing but problems.   But that is not the topic of this conversation.

    I look at almost every section of this and the steam forum and in this case I was referring to this....

    13 hours ago, bewing said:

    As Geonovast said, there are many fairly easy ways. Besides the methods he listed, you can also upload your ships to Steam, to save and use in other games.

    Steam was offered as a possible solution to the OP's question and it also introduces major problems for many people, how is that not relevant advice?

    The bulk of my reply focused entirely on the OP's question, is it acceptable?

    4 hours ago, archiebald said:

    Regarding putting ships in the main Ships folder, sure you can use it in other save games, but you'll find that you are unable to delete it in-game.  You will need to delete them manually from the folder.  You can only delete from in-game those ships that are in your savegame sub folder.

    So why would you want to delete a ship?  Play for a while and when you have about 200 designs and variants filling up the folder and you can't remember the name you gave it, then believe me you WILL want to cull some old designs.

    Also, a big thumbs up for Craft Manager mod - It is super awesome and takes the pain away when you have those 200 designs in your folder.

    I know you have a job to do but I was not being offensive or posting off topic, just trying to offer advice.  Of course if it's not welcome then fine.

  13. I saw Steam was mentioned - I would never advise anyone to purchase KSP through Steam - it adds so many glitches to the game such as corrupted files etc.  Don't believe me, just take a look over at the Steam forum where nearly every second problem is a Steam database related error as opposed to a KSP error.  If the OP purchased outside of Steam, then he is on the path to a smoother game experience.

    Regarding putting ships in the main Ships folder, sure you can use it in other save games, but you'll find that you are unable to delete it in-game.  You will need to delete them manually from the folder.  You can only delete from in-game those ships that are in your savegame sub folder.

    So why would you want to delete a ship?  Play for a while and when you have about 200 designs and variants filling up the folder and you can't remember the name you gave it, then believe me you WILL want to cull some old designs.

    Also, a big thumbs up for Craft Manager mod - It is super awesome and takes the pain away when you have those 200 designs in your folder.

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