I have a question and would like to apologize in advance if this has been answered quite often. But that's over a hundred pages and I'm not sure which keywords to look for.
First of all a thank you for this great mod. I play KSP only for a few weeks but it is a lot of fun and this is primarily due to such great mods like this.
Before the installation I looked at the tutorial. It also explains how to build the HIM simplified. I am already over 50 years old and just want to play comfortably for myself. That's why I wanted to use the options and build simplified (without 900 parts).
However, I pressed the query too quickly during the first setup. And the second setup is no longer query.
If I press Alt-P now comes only a window with the display.
"No winches found in this scene"
What option do I have to change the settings now?
Thanks for your help
PS: at my age, I would be grateful for a simple solution;)