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Everything posted by Stormpilot

  1. Stormpilot

    Random facts

    Every 60 minutes in Canada, a hour passes.
  2. Hello no no hheeelo naho @OrdinaryKerman
  3. Jim was on board KST 001 (kerbal shuttle transport) when it renterd the atmosphere. Just like the Columbia shuttle disaster, the heat shield was broken. The shuttle disinagrated while returning to kerbin. He died almost instantly. Richard Kerman will be the victim of an engine throttle malfunction (stuck at max thrust).
  4. Ujjbpiyv Kerman was tanning on Moho. He then went for a walk. He saw a cliff and with joy leaped foreword, hoping his EVA pack would save him. However he was out of fuel and he crashed into the Moho Hole. He exploded. Donald Kerman. Broken landing gear.
  5. Gahilyg Kerman was working for Kerbal Airlines Inc. After programming his FMC (and totally not using SimBrief) he asked for pushback. The plane pushed back and the flight to the South Pole outpost was ready to go. He taxied the plane, loaded with about 12 passengers, to the end of runway 27 and would turn around and takeoff using runway 09 for a BOB2 departure. He applied throttle, little did he know the throttle was set to only 40%! However, he did not notice because he was busy dealing with a strong crossing blowing from the North. He only noticed when he rotated, about 60% of the way down the runway. However, he was far past V1 and could not abort. He pushed the throttle to maximum, but the throttle, only at 40%, dropped to 20%. He used his epik gamur skill to put the plane in a position where he would protect his passengers. However, the position put himself in great danger. The plane slammed into the ground. All managed to evacuate but Gahilyg Kerman suffered a fractured skull. He died on his way to the medical centre in the Astronaut complex while in the ambulance. All 12 passengers survived the crash, 2 with serious injuries and the rest with minor ones. The KSP agreed that Gahilyg was a hero. And that all pilots should strive to be like him. He sacrificed himself to save the lives of his passengers. He was buried at the South Pole, his destination for that flight. The cause was that one of the mechanics chocolate bars got stuck in the fuel pipe, blocking the proper fuel flow. He was jailed. Gahilyg’s funeral took place on the runway of the KSC. Cooper Kerman will be attacked by Dachshunds.
  6. Stormpilot

    Random facts

    The United States of America declared independence on July 2nd. The founding fathers said July 2nd would be the most important day in American history. Independence went into affect 2 days later on July 4th.
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