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Found 2 results

  1. I'll take a booster... and ADD IT! Here are the rules: Kill the kerbal whose name is written in the post right before yours. You can either: Use pictures. Write in detail what happens that causes the specified target to die in the specified manner. (IF YOU ARE DARING ENOUGH) Make a video which involves the target dying in the specified manner. Write the name of your next victim and the desired manner of death; and no, you can't use "heart attack." This is Kerbal Space Program, you have to be a bit more creative than that (within physical possibility, of course). Don't get too specific; it's up to the person after you to describe exactly what happens. Kill ONLY the intended target; no additional deaths in your scenarios. Bystanders/crewmates wounded or knocked out okay. No double-posting. Manner of death is okay, but you can't use the same exact scenario twice. No derailing the game by posting irrelevant material. No inappropriate stuff (PLEASE!) EXAMPLE Person 1 Target: Jebediah Kerman Manner: Plane Crash Person 2 The guys at the SPH forgot to add control surfaces in the new supersonic jet prototype. As a result, Jebediah Kerman lost control at the runway and crashed into one of the corner lights. His plane flipped over and blew up; the resulting explosion killed him instantly. Mark Kerman – shot Person 3 One of the interns splashed coffee on the central computer controlling the KSC’s automated defense systems. While the intern was trying to fix it, he inadvertently triggered BDArmory’s heat-guided laser targeting system. Since Mark Kerman was returning from his run around the facility perimeter, the laser’s system mistook him for an intruder and opened fire. The first shot killed him. Valentina Kerman will die from poisoning AND SO ON Have fun, everyone. I'll start us off. Bob Kerman - explosion
  2. Ever wondered why your kerbals keep dying left and right, despite hours of preparation and practice? Here's your answer. Bill Kerman is at the VAB adding struts to the new Apollo-Style Duna lander when he saw something fall out of the sky and onto the tracking station. He then picked it up and saw that it was a notebook; what really caught his eye was the message in the interior cover. "The kerbal whose name is written on this notebook shall die." Being the curious engineer that he is, he decided to test it. A total of three names later - and three dead kerbals - he realized the notebook's power was something to be taken seriously. Along with that, he saw his new purpose in life; to save all of kerbalkind from the filth growing within the species. Using the Kerbal Death Note, he now deals swift, effective justice throughout the entire solar system. Please tell me what you think about the video. If you want to try the Kerbal Death Note for yourself, here's the forum game. All you need to do is: Describe in detail what happens to the previous poster's victim, according to the specified cause of death. Name your next victim and cause of death (don't give specifics, because that's someone else's job). If you like it, please like/comment/subscribe to my channel. I got more KSP content coming.
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