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    Sony 5280S-CB-PLUS
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    If you want to find me on Discord for whatever reason, tag is : pix#4019

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  1. Launched a big ol' multiple relay system. This guy, to be exact: Calling it the "CosmoConnect" system, it's made mostly to strengthen the Kerbin relay system. However, I'll probably make smaller versions of this that I can stick on big assemble-in-orbit motherships. Here's the thing in space:
  2. Here's the thing, that's only contracts, not the parts themselves. If it was the parts themselves then it'd be a lot more in-depth, but if you didn't want it it'd probably just be a difficulty option.
  3. Ah, yes, because I love to redesign my pre existing rockets and have to launch all new probes/orbiters/stations because the newly added black hole screws with my orbits in my save so that they deorbit or get pulled into the black hole. Honestly, what purpose would they serve in the current system? Even with OPM thrown in it's still way too small. I understand you could use black holes for science, but even then, you're going to have to GREATLY expand the stock system to make these interesting and bearable.
  4. Nothing spectacular today, just launched an entire station to Minmus. Said station is the MS1-"Duran", a Minmus research station parked in a polar orbit. Station in question is this big guy: Can house 33 kerbs at max capacity, here's another angle:
  5. Attempted to use orbital telescope, got eclipse'd instead.
  6. Rep per manufacturer would be good, yeah. Doing manufacturer-specific contracts would help raise rep with them too. However, if you fail a manufacturer specific contract, your overall rep goes down as normal, but your reputation with the manufacturer goes down much, much more than your overall rep.
  7. I'mma throw in something I had posted in a different thread, that belongs here more than it did there. 1. A Visitor Complex To actually make the arguably useless reputation actually mean something, let's make a Visitor Complex! Much like a real world complex, KSP's complex would take Funds to run, and it would generate Funds and Rep in return. While this does sound like a new strategy for the Administration Building, the Visitor Complex would be much, much more in-depth than just some flavor text and a slider with some number values. The Visitor Complex would have a set number of Visitors/Tourists that can be in the complex. They'd well, visit said complex, pay admission, and maybe buy things from a gift shop or do other tourist activities. It would also have a set number of Exhibits- Artifacts, models, interactive experiments, etc.- from some of your launches that you deem important or significant (The player has full control over what is deemed worthy enough to be an Exhibit, via the use of a check-mark box at the end of a flight menu). Generally, the Exhibits would be from important events in the Space Program's history, whether it be the first launch, the first orbit, or the first landing on another planet. The more significant the exhibit, the more people who will visit it. Now it does function like a strategy, i.e. you can only put so much money into it at first, before you have to upgrade it, but the more money you put into it, generally more Kerbals will have a better time there. Happy Kerbals=Reputation increase. The higher you level up the complex, the more things you can have at it- and I'm not talking about just Exhibits-tour buses, Camp programs, etc. Maybe an option to water down some of this via a difficulty setting if it isn't your style. 2. Make Part Manufacturers actually mean something Right about now, the Part Manufacturers are just a silly name with a logo you can use as your ship's flag. While that might be good for some, I do think that theyshould actually mean something, and it would be based off of everyone's favorite statistic- Reputation! Effectively, the higher your reputation, the more manufacturers would let you use their parts on your rocket. Some have higher standards than others, and some (namely Jeb's Junkyard) don't care at all (as that would make sense, considering Jeb is an astronaut). Perhaps include a mechanic where manufacturers might have price hikes or price drops, either due to a shortage in materials or due to a surplus.
  8. Tested my new light payload launcher. Turns out it works pretty well, can probably get a Duna flyby if I was more efficient.
  9. I'm new to OPT, just started using it a while ago, and I can say that I love the mod. However, I've got a question: Are the IVA's on cockpits/labs/etc supposed to either be unfinished or nonexistent? Just very curious, and wondering if one of my other mods conflicts with it.
  10. Oh man, these space suits are gonna look so good with everything else in ReStock.....
  11. This is definitely needed, 100%. I can't tell you the amount of times I've needed to use the XL3 for a lander....
  12. I generally think that while Career Mode doesn't need to become harder, it just needs to be revamped. A lot of things need changing desperately, and a lot of things need added too. Whether or not it makes it harder is subjective. Now, here's some thoughts of mine that I think could make Career mode more fun or harder, depending on who you are: 1. A Visitor Complex To actually make the arguably useless reputation actually mean something, let's make a Visitor Complex! Much like a real world complex, KSP's complex would take Funds to run, and it would generate Funds and Rep in return. While this does sound like a new strategy for the Administration Building, the Visitor Complex would be much, much more in-depth than just some flavor text and a slider with some number values. The Visitor Complex would have a set number of Visitors/Tourists that can be in the complex. They'd well, visit said complex, pay admission, and maybe buy things from a gift shop or do other tourist activities. It would also have a set number of Exhibits- Artifacts, models, interactive experiments, etc.- from some of your launches that you deem important or significant (The player has full control over what is deemed worthy enough to be an Exhibit, via the use of a check-mark box at the end of a flight menu). Generally, the Exhibits would be from important events in the Space Program's history, whether it be the first launch, the first orbit, or the first landing on another planet. The more significant the exhibit, the more people who will visit it. Now it does function like a strategy, i.e. you can only put so much money into it at first, before you have to upgrade it, but the more money you put into it, generally more Kerbals will have a better time there. Happy Kerbals=Reputation increase. The higher you level up the complex, the more things you can have at it- and I'm not talking about just Exhibits-tour buses, Camp programs, etc. Maybe an option to water down some of this via a difficulty setting if it isn't your style. 2. Make Part Manufacturers actually mean something Right about now, the Part Manufacturers are just a silly name with a logo you can use as your ship's flag. While that might be good for some, I do think that they should actually mean something, and it would be based off of everyone's favorite statistic- Reputation! Effectively, the higher your reputation, the more manufacturers would let you use their parts on your rocket. Some have higher standards than others, and some (namely Jeb's Junkyard) don't care at all (as that would make sense, considering Jeb is an astronaut). Perhaps include a mechanic where manufacturers might have price hikes or price drops, either due to a shortage in materials or due to a surplus. I swear I had something else to say, but I can't remember what it was
  13. I would love, LOVE, a Visitor Complex of sorts, that you can upgrade with Funds and Science. Having the building(s) be in use would cost Funds, but you'd get profit out of it. Depending on how "active" your agency is (number of launches per week, etc) and how much positive rep you've got, you'd get more visitors, and more visitors means more tickets sold and more sales from the gift shop! Also, even though this isn't a building, I wouldn't mind seeing some activity around KSC, perhaps some astronauts running around the Tracking Station, small vehicles driving around, the grounds crew mowing the KSC's lawns, etc. also please fix the lv3 administrative building's pool, it does not have any actual water in it
  14. Someone else has probably already said this, but I'd love new music. Music that is... "adaptive", and by that I mean different tracks that play during different scenarios. For example, stressed and urgent-sounding for things such as re-entry or ascent , and happy/triumphant sounding ones for landings on other planet or back on Kerbin after spending a long time in space.
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