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Everything posted by KosmoNot79

  1. Was the info for KER about 1.7 PC or something else? because (obviously) I'm on console. p.s. Where's the thread for KER?
  2. A little while ago when I had about 50 hours in the game I made a minmus ssto that I got from a youtube video, put ISRU capabilities on it, shoved it onto the top of a rocket and flew it to laythe. I landed at laythe with no fuel left to spare on my ssto so I deployed my drills and started drilling to find that I forgot an ore tank.
  3. Some sort of Kerbal Engineer Redux thing in the future would be greatly appreciated. And to add things like EVE and scatterer because we can't get mods.
  4. the only "bug" I found in the console update was if you go into IVA, the speedometer (velocimeter?) is written straight down instead of across the screen its meant to be down. ex: 1 0 8 . 3 m / s
  5. Hopefully, it wasn't faked (although the chances of it being faked are 10/10). Fingers crossed!
  6. Do you have a link or screenshot of the message? If you do It'd be great if you could share it!
  7. Should get a release date sometime this week or next week.
  8. The thing is that KSP is a difficult game to code and it is reasonable for them to need to debug even if it's at the last second. I get that it is frustrating but as I've said before, Squad is doing their best and there best is pretty good considering the circumstances.
  9. After checking the forum for confirmation of release and seeing that it is delayed I was a bit frustrated. This is solely because I was excited to play with the new features that night. Although this is true, I completely understand why the update was delayed and respect Squad's decision. It is way better we get a great release a while later than a buggy one on the promised release date. I don't understand where all of the screaming at squad and disappointment comes from. These things come up and expecting a game to be released perfectly on an exact date every single time it too high standards no matter the game. On top of this, I imagine KSP is a very hard game to code. Overall, Squad is doing the best they can at solving this issue and the negative feedback us unwarranted. Keep up the fantastic work @SQUAD and I can't wait for the update no matter how long the wait!
  10. I messaged Oumo and he said the next newsletter is coming out next month so we will get some info on the details soon.
  11. So the hate that Squad is getting is directed to the wrong person/group? I'm just curious.
  12. Does anyone know who's responsible for the update and DLC for console? Would love to know.
  13. I agree that the anger is out of hand. I understand that it's frustrating that they pulled out at the last second but an update of this size would be greatly appreciated no matter the wait. Keep up the great work @SQUAD !
  14. His next video should be out by Saturday/Sunday I think. He finished his setup in the last video so there's no reason that there shouldn't be any content
  15. It would be great if Squad actually did this but I doubt it.
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