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Everything posted by helinut

  1. I figured it out. I hadn't dug deep enough into the ReStock directory for the correct folder. Had to go a bit deeper, moved that over to the GameData folder and it's working great. Thanks for the help!
  2. Here is the log file. https://www.filehosting.org/file/details/788892/Player.log I have Kerbal Engineer Redux installed and that was the only other mod I had installed before trying this one along with ReStock. I put the ModuleManager file, the .dll, and the ReStock file in the GameData folder. Fired it up and received the errors. Thank you for the welcome as well!
  3. Thank you. That did the trick. I always remember to do a backup right after I forget to do a backup. I was able to recover without the mods applied, but tried to apply them again and everything gets nuked. Something missing in every vehicle I have made. Oh well.
  4. Thank you. That did the trick. I always remember to do a backup right after I forget to do a backup.
  5. So, I was finally able to get this installed on a Mac. When I first installed it I didn't have the .dll file so when it fired up there were all kinds of things missing. Basically destroyed 171 hours of playtime. I have nothing left of what I built. I installed this so I could install ReStock if that helps at all. It is running properly now, but everything that I built is missing. Any thoughts as to how I could recover it? I do have time machine backups of the folder if I really have to break those out. Thanks!
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