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Everything posted by AG-cs

  1. Cunitz 2.0 I can save this type from the game of 1.3.1, which made me glad because this type is the one of the best flight ability space shuttle what I could built. The flight in the air and also in the space is very balanced with it. I have added a little craft and also a shuttle to it. The main task of the Cunitz 2.0 is to transport tourists. Its move to orbit around the target and with the little craft I can make come true the wishies of the kerbal tourists. This space shuttle got her name from Maria Cunitz who was a famous astronomer from Poland.
  2. Yes I usually use that style. The ARI-73 is my fav (this poor guy is so white for me). Thanks!
  3. Thanks! I am glad you like it. My fav mod is the OPT and as I love sci-fi so that's why I built such ships. I am planning to use less mods and I rather use OPT because you can almost build everything with it. This craft on my last picture is not the finished version.
  4. Thank you for the opportunity and for solving it.
  5. Hi. I've been looking for this opportunity, good thing it can be done here. I was careless in naming. I just want to replace the letter h with the letter s. So AG-cs. Thanks!
  6. I'm glad the problem has been resolved.
  7. Thanks. I think so too. Somewhere I read about forcing a better bug reporting method. I do not remember
  8. I know I don't have to, it just wanted to be a question. (My English is not good.)
  9. Try running it again, but now with this switch. -force-glcore If there is no change, so be it : -force-clamped If not. We will test it: sudo apt-get install glmark2 Then in the terminal glmark2
  10. I'm not using full ubuntu, so I ask. Installed Mono from here? https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/ Or other repository? The resolution you use. 2560 x 1440? Did you try to launch it with Launcher.x86_64 settings?
  11. Ok. thanks What does it show? Home/.mono/mwf_config The resolution you use. 2560 x 1440? Could this be the problem here, Their Permissions? KSP 1.7.x/KSP_Data/Plugins/x86_64/
  12. Sorry! Just google auto translator, why this works. I haven't seen it before.
  13. Did you run KSP.x86_64 in the root directory? What is the permissions for this file? You tried to uninstall and reinstall mono? Has the game been run before with this Configuration?
  14. Hello! Try it on console, start it. Usually the error is revealed. If you don't know how I'll try to help.
  15. What a nice little chubby ship. I also use these forms. _______________________________________ Christina moon. Huge ice cracks.
  16. Construction of the Adria Space Station. The Adria Space Station is a transit center for the turists who arrived from the Kerbin. The Siren fleet is waiting there for the kerbals to take them to their destination.
  17. Siren 01 Abeti Space Station ALG -2 Cunitz passenger carrier https://i.imgur.com/laoGWwt.gifv
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