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Krzysztof z Bagien

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Everything posted by Krzysztof z Bagien

  1. I recently got back to KSP, updated everything via CKAN - and now FMRS doesn't recover nerby stages. Eg.: I drop four boosters at the same time, get to orbit, go back to separation and observe one of them (remaining three are marked as being near), all of them land, and then I jump back to main craft, only one booster is recovered, the one I was focused on. I can repeat the procedure for each booster and eventually get all of them recovered, but previously in such situation everyting that was near was recovered at once.
  2. Just slapped some basic solar panels onto a satellite (though I made them smaller with TweakScale) - just like you would place them on any spacecraft.
  3. I think there's something not quite right with them. I wanted to play with advanced one, and I have two problems: first is that its solar panel isn't generating any power, so it can't do much before battery is depleted, and second problem is with its engine. If engine is deactivated, I can control satellite (eg. use MechJeb to orient it, run and transmit experiments - though without solar power it can't actually be done), but when I actvate its engine, satellite becomes unresponsive - I can't control its attitude etc., I still can run experiments though, but can't transmit them (RemoteTech show "no control"). I can however control thrust if I set it to independent and engine will fire. I don't know if it doesn't play well eg. with TCA, or is something wrong with satellite itself. Oh, and yeah, antenna seems useless. I added external solar panels and antenna and it kinda works, but there's still that problem with engine.
  4. 1.11 and 1.12 Tried that, even restarted CKAN and it was still the same. Today I removed both TTC and TEC, and installed TEC again, just to see what would happen - and this time it correctly adds TTC. So I guess problem solved itself
  5. When installing via CKAN, it automatically adds Toadicus Tools (not Toadicus Tools Continued) to install list, then it says: "The following inconsistencies were found: * TweakableEverythingCont conflicts with ToadicusTools" and aborts installation. I had to install Toadicus Tools Continued manually (still via CKAN of course) to be able to install Tweakable Everything Continued - with TTC already installed, CKAN doesn't try to install its old version, so you won't notice there's a problem.
  6. Sorry for not answering earlier, but it's been very busy time for me - there was no error message or anything, it simply wouldn't downlowad. Anyway, it's not relevant any more, as it seems the issue resolved itself and CKAN works as intended right now.
  7. I'm unable to downlowad any updates via CKAN, including its autoupdater. It simply downloads several KBs of data (if anything!) and gets stuck. The same goes for downloading CKAN autoupdater directly from GitHub.
  8. Well, I have a lot of other things customised, so it was faster that way Yeah, I know. I guess it's true that there are two types of people - those who backup, and those who will backup
  9. Deleting a section should require confirmation - I accidentaly clicked "delete" button and had to create "Randezvous" from scratch Also, changing size via GUI size selector buttons resets colour of all entries to default green.
  10. I did some testing, and radiators are actually working in atmosphere and it is noticable. I deorbited a command pod from 500km on a steep trajectory with radiators turned off and then with radiators on - and it overheated and exploded several kilometer closer to the ground with radiators active.
  11. It's not like radiators can be used instead of a proper heatshield or something, but they help a little. Their effect is noticeable (meaning things explode slightly later and sometimes they don't explode at all), but in most cases it doesn't really make a difference.
  12. Maybe you should make auroras a little less obvious and in different color? Red or orange?
  13. It would be nice to set that separately. I have KSP interface scaled up (120% I belive), but would like Principia windows to be smaller - they are already quite big, and now main window and flight plan with single maneuver take half of my 1920x1080 screen
  14. I sometimes put radiator panels on spaceplanes, they somewhat help with reentry heat.
  15. Hi, long time reader, first time poster here. This mod is great, but I have one big gripe with it: sliders. Would you consider adding something different than those sliders to adjust maneuver deltaV, time, etc.? Sliders look like a good idea at first, but I find them really cumbersome and it takes a lot of time to get what I want with them. Something like in Maneuver Node Evolved manual deltaV input window would be way easier and convenient to use. https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/maneuver-node-evolved
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