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  1. So i ran downloaded the update and ran the batch file. Sadly nothing has changed. Here's the new logs. dunno, i might just be a bit kerbal in the head, too
  2. Jup, the latest is on. At least i think so. Got it from CKAN, but i cross-checked my whitelist file with the one on GitHub, even downloaded it and copied to the directory. Issue is still there
  3. i have a weird texture bug, my cc-1 and cc-2 Mobile Processing Labs are both both texureless, showing up as gray in the parts list or white in the editor. i checked the files but didnt see anything odd (doe i must admit, barely understood what was in there ) and did a reinstall, but no change. I have ReStock installed aswell, might that be the issue?
  4. I'm missing a few parts, namely the scanners, at least one of them Never-loveing-mind i'm dumber than a bag of hammers, its there
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