First off, I'm new to all forms of horizontal building in KSP. Roughly 400 hours and I've made only a handful of SSTOs following tutorials, nothing more. I only recently learned that control surfaces react inversely to control inputs when placed in front or behind a plane's centre of mass. In KSP1, simply inverting the deployment of the control surface fixed this.
Now, with procedural wings, I'm trying out all sorts of plane designs with the procedural wings and am loving it. However, on multiple designs I have encountered a bug where the pitch controls of a wing stop working when the wings are mounted close to the COM along the longitudinal axis of the vessel, see here:
In the clip, the horizontal stabilizers on the back of the plane behave as expected when trying to pitch up, but the wing elevators don't. Instead, they twitch, causing drag. Pitch down does work. Inverting the controls in the parts manager makes that pitch down stops working instead.
In these screenshots you can see where my COM/COL are compared to the wings:
Placing the wings slightly backwards fixes the problem, but prevents take-off from too much pitch-down moment.
Please correct me if this is a common bug carried over from KSP1, but I believe this is a bug that needs looking into.