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  1. Omg, I wasn’t keen on this mod due to the clipping through the terrain but this, this has well and truly grabby my attention, is Parallax Collisions part of this same mod or will it be separate? im so hyped to try this out!!! Thank you
  2. okay so i guess the OP slow upload speed got me here, turns out CKAN did not have this v1.10 update when i updated last night it is here this morning and is working correctly, i know next time to be a little more patient can i just say this is by far my favourite mod in the game so thank you!!!!
  3. I just updated to v4.0 and I get no clouds reverted back to and I get clouds back. I'm running KSP let me know if you need anything else I removed all mods and only re-installed the ones below Astronomer's Visual Pack (AstronomersVisualPack 2: Astronomer's Visual Pack-8k Textures (AVP-8kTextures v1.9) Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.98) Distant Object Enhancement Continued (DistantObject v2.0.0.2) Distant Object Enhancement Continued default config (DistantObject-default v2.0.0.2) Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 2:EVE-1.8.0-2) Kabrams Sun Flare Blue High (KabramsSunFlaresPack-Blue-High 001) KS3P (KS3P V6.1) Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.3) PlanetShine (PlanetShine PlanetShine - Default configuration (PlanetShine-Config-Default scatterer (Scatterer 2:v0.0541) Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 2:v0.0541) changing AVP to 2: breaks something or am i missing something in the options? I'm a noob to where the log files are if you need any please let me know where they are
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