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Everything posted by Spacescifi

  1. Part of me thinks like Brits are fond of saying, "You're setting us up!" In the off chance you are not...I will tell you this: Ideas can be destroyed. KSP forums is a good example. It is a moderator's job to quash the perpetuating of ideas that can lead to conflict with the goals of KSP forums. Anytime an idea that could cause problems appears it is squashed. In real life the same thing happens...but I won't say more as that is speaking of a banned topic anyway. What is eternal are facts and truth. They can be suppressed sure, but they never go away and sooner or later are revealed to those that seek them.
  2. Um...true that. Unless they nuke it. Given the atmospheric pressure....the shockwave would be EPIC.
  3. What? Tell me more...what was Tesla trying to do that was shut down? I know him and Edison were not exactly friends, but I do not know much as to why.
  4. Relatively speaking. For example, if we had1g constant acceleration spacecraft flying from orbital velocity onwards at 1g for 20 min and then stalled acceleration, it's top speed will be I am betting higher than orbiting craft, but it will no longer be in a stable orbit eitherand likely will fly off into deep space unless it retroburn to slow for orbit again. Orbit is only faster in that one can go in a circle faster, yet at higher orbits it takes much longer to fly in a circle. Go too fast and you shoot off like a rock from slingshot in a straight line. Orbiting is not unlike how a fast plane makes a wide circle and a slow one makes a tight one.
  5. History is written by the victors...I don't have any dislike at all toward Tesla. I just wanted to know if the conspiracy theorists who think Tesla is a modern tech messiah of sorts lived up to his hype. Like most all men that have lived and died...he did some amazing things, but he was a product of his time, and he did not know what we know now about how good or viable his ideas were, since he did not get to see the real proof via testing.
  6. In other words...are his plans for inventions that were never built viable at all? The stuff he talked about seems farfetched. 1. Wireless power: Yes we can do it, but Tesla had in mind doing it WITHHOUT satellites or solar. Probably electromagnetic waves since he was fond of those. 2. Death rays: I really do think Tesla was over his head here. Beam weapons work a lot better in space than in the air. Unless he knew a way to straighten a lightning bolt and shoot accurately across the air that way. 3. Flying wingless air vehicles: It is popular to say Tesla designed all manner of UFO wingless EM craft that could have flown. I doubt it was viable though...unless Tesla was just that good and his knowledge died with him. What do you think?
  7. I dare say that we understand cat behavior well enough to satisfy the human amusement factor. As for being top cat, cats do like others more than others, other times, cats may simply fear and respect another cat and not mess with him even though he has become old. Perfect example: Just because your grandpa is old does not mean you will take his food away from him. Animals do not have a conscience, but in their own way, they do love, respect, and or care for others, whether cat, human, or other pets. You don't need a conscience for that. Even serial murderers have been known to not harm those they actually do have a bond with. Animals are no different.
  8. Name? Universe sandbox? Either way...I look forward to seeing your results.
  9. How will you simulate it? Also...as for origins, I am not worried, since in my scifi life origins are actually KNOWN. For at least SOME races Because: 1. Some scifi races are born biologically immortal. The first ones (their dad and mom) are the stuff of legend and are rumored to be in hiding ever since they had a falling out with their children. These immortal races have a nigh impossible time not being mindful of their origins when their culture is impacted heavily by rivalries lasting for millenia. To cut the story short...some support the idea of Dad and Mom ruling, yet by far and large most do not, and tend to attempt to sway those who do from doing so. 2. Mortal races also exist. Some still debate their origins (like IRL Earth). Yet some other races do not concern themselves with such topics at all, as they rather spend time working out their aims on a grand scale.
  10. I think my OP version would explore cat/human relationships, and would be quite helpful to anyone who wishes to own a cat, and amusing to one who does. Your version...if accurate to reality, would be rated Mature for showing graphic violence. Also if accurate to reality, cat player would have to rest, as cats are NOT endurance animals. I have even seen cats fighting to the death take repeated time outs to pant before going back at it!
  11. No one that I am aware of has done it, but I think someone should. In a game where you play as either a male or female cat. In the style of a visual novel like Our Personal Space. Your actions decide: 1. Your relationship with owner. 2. Your stress level. Having fun lowers it, danger raises it as well as owner being upset at you for having 'fun', so careful play is required. 3. Energy level. Affected by exercise or lack of it. 4. Health, as you can get injured or die taking risks. 5. Much more...you can dominate the neighborhood as top cat, fighting other cats to that end, influence your owner not to neuter you, but also be forced to mate due to instinct (also if female you will die or bleed to injury you don't mate sooner or later). You can make your owner love you, hate you, both, save their life or drive them to insanity. Your choice. Or even end up a feral cat! I was inspired by these cat stories: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-smartest-thing-your-cat-has-ever-done What do you think or how would you do it?
  12. Suppose one day man finds a way to actually contain a sustained fusion reaction via a magnetic field within a vacuum chamber? Then what? I am sure it can be exploited for energy production as far as electricity goes...SSTOs? Not so sure. We all know that barring we make materials that can survive temperatures beyond all known melting points of our best materials, we have to just cope with not being able to fully utilize fusion. Is that not ironic? We cannot have torchships even if we HAD sustained fusion because the heat produced is too much. So what could we use sustained fusion for anyway? Did not. Mean to post twice. Delete second post please.
  13. I am not a cook per se...I just experiment when hungry and SOMETIMES what results actually tastes good. I forget the actually ratios but: A can of pumpkin. A single small box of cornbread mix. 2 eggs. 2 fourths a cup of wheat flour to mix in, Mix it altogether well Bake in the oven until it it looks done. Result: I forget the exact ratios, but if you manage them just right (which I did by accident), it will taste not unlike pumpkin pie! Just more crumbly. Spaghetti: No recipes but I hate premade spaghetti sauce. Chop up some onions, add olives, garlic, and heat up in a pan with canned tomato sauce, add some chopped tomatoes to it and after preparing the pasta and meat, add that fresh sauce of your own. You cannot go wrong. Less sodium than totally premade sauces too. Fresh is the best!
  14. If you have watched any of Styropyro's laser videos then you already know how laser guns would be. Scifi laser guns in movies are so uber they can blow holes in things with a single shot. Realistically though, the higher the power of the laser the more heavy your heatsink needs to be, since anything less dense or heavy will only overheat faster...leading to a melted laser. For example, lets say I have a laser rifle with a 6 inch radius lens. Kinda big lens huh? With lasers, bigger is always better, since heat is diffused more which slows overheating. Honestly though...if anyone has scifi laser rifles that can blast holes into stuff (pistols are hardly realistic as they would overheat fast), then they would be kind of like normal guns, just with less range. Like guns in that they would expend heatsink casing shells with each laser pulse, otherwise without it, the laser will overheat sooner or later. Less range in that the farther away a target is the less instant damage a laser would do. Ultimately, scifi laser rifles with a dash of realism are NOT a good weapon. What they are good at is being used as a tool. Want a fire with no matches? Lase something! Even better, once heatsink casing shell cools off it will probably be reusable anyway. If you want maximum lasing time you need a laser rifle turret that can be piped to a river near the edge. From there you could fire plenty of shots off as water is cycling through and cooling the laser nonstop, maybe without dropping heatsink casing shells. Yet if you want high enough energy to blast stuff with holes, it would probably take a combo of heatsink shell casing dropping and water cycling cooling from a river or other natural water source. Again...still poor as a weapon, since regular guns are more efficient at making life mortal really fast and at greater range, for less energy cost too. What do you think? As far as I can tell, laser rifiles are fancy construction or camping tools for space colonists...maybe to scare away wild life without actually shooting bullets?
  15. Tons of chilled Liquid helium flowing through the pad from elsewhere through pipes? Helium is the element with lowest boiling temperature is 4K at normal atmospheric pressure. It is also the only element which does not freeze solid at all — at temperatures very close to absolute zero it instead becomes a “superfluid”: Superfluidity - Wikipedia So helium is the coldest liquid.
  16. Well then the planets life will be short, as comets do not last, unless it is a moon size comet. Also in such a situation it would rain comet dust and meteors regularly. So hardly safe.
  17. Perhaps you broke 'Earth?' Earth's oceans might not exist if water were not periodically subsumed by the planet's mantle and then released. Without plate tectonics driving the creation of coastlines and the motion of the tides, the oceans might be barren, with life-giving nutrients relegated forever to the stygian depths.Jun 7, 2018 Quanta Magazine › plate-tectonics-... Plate Tectonics May Be Essential for Life | Quanta Magazine
  18. Which means you need 'slow spaceboats' KSP style to reach them. Anything else is not practical. I take issue when scifi uses space program era tech be the basis for spaceships that can do wayyy more than space programs can really do. For example, rogue traders in space is totally not practical with fledgling space programs. Such engines do not allow for unplanned deviations off couse either.
  19. True...yet I meant that the portal gate must LITERALLY be surounded by the vacuum of open outer space. Making an artficial one deeply within Earth and surrounded by Earth's deep atmosphere would not work. Nonetheless....it's a throwaway concept I won't use for MC and main plot...mainly because I am not doing a space program story.
  20. Just wondering how far can one take the 'alien earthlike' world concept. From an enviromental POV? I am not considering lifeforms as I already have that covered. Some call it Qonos, Romulus, or Minbar, but all of them are mere scifi clones of Earth. From my own research I have found this: 1. 'Earth' with rings like Saturn? Almost, just think rings of rocky asteroids instead of ice (sun heat this close would melt Saturn's ice rings). Also those asteroid rings will not be in LEO, since they must be in a high enough orbit to be stable and not crash into the atmospheric friction. That said,rogue asteroids would fall probably more here than our Earth. 2. 'Earth' with grass or vegetation with a main color other than green? Possible, although there has to be physically either a chemical or distance to the sun reason, which has a limit to which it can be adjusted and have an 'Earth' still be livable. Darker colors absorb more sunlight, which is useful for plants that are evergreen...or should I say evercolored...since it can be any color? Did I miss anything more? How far can we really push the alien Earth concept without breaking it?
  21. A through vacuum only portal. Atmosphere won't apply. Which makes refueling a tank affair through a portal.
  22. Well...that I already knew. Thing is...it is still good to have a reserve tank for when one is out of portal range. Or if the portals only work in vaccuum, then that means Earth stations supplying propellant would be impossible (since no vacuum on Earth is quite as vaccuous as space vaccuum). That means that moons without atmosphere would be prime real estate, and the best Earth could ever do is boost giant propellant tanks to orbit, and portal network them to moons that are being mined for ice for propellant...in order to refill their tanks regularly. Wow...who knew ice would be so valuable? Without it, you can kiss your portal linked spacefleet goodbye. I can even see scifi wars being fought over ice resources in systems...probably by imperialists who host vast fleets or even by trade empires which do the same but for reasons of profit rather than conquest.
  23. I read an even simpler solution for Elite Dangerous....make it so players can turn on or off their PVP transponders. If off, no one but NPC's can fire on them and they read as allies. If on...they are free game. This won't prevent players from ramming...but I digress that if anyone cannot dodge that or see that coming, that is a serious lack of player skill.
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