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Everything posted by Spacescifi

  1. Some of jazz I like, others not so much. Too a large degree the place we live has a lot to do with how the music sounds. I guarantee you there is a bunch of awesome Japanese jazz bands I have never known. But for now... tell me you don't like this? It's jazz... I like it.
  2. Come on... if the average Russian speaks about classical music you won't think they are referring to native american music. You know well and good what I mean. Opera? I don't like it, yet I don't absolutely hate it.
  3. Not only do I not empathize with the rap lyrics I mentioned, I would not even want to be the kind that does. Interesting. Surprising.
  4. Perhaps you do not like that I speak poorly of rap? I've said what I want, I want to know what country in the planet has a lot of people that love classical. Because when I do choose to travel, that's where I wish to visit. Beyond that, I wish to know what is it about rap that people like? Unless one agrees with vulgar lyrics or likes the beat or both, or perhaps trying to be liked by a certain group of people, or all 3, I cannot think of any more reasons. It surely is not for the beautiful melody, since other music does that far better.
  5. I wish. Even when it is unintelligible I find it annoying. For what it's worth I have known workmates who actually talk IRL about living the thug life like they listen to with the songs. One I never saw again after an issue with his work. The other actually bragged of a crime he committed, and blared his rap music while everyone was working. He was unable to keep up workwise, so eventually he just left. Neither do I think it is a coincidence that several rappers are known for their relationship with law enforcement. And yes... I am being subtle.
  6. A true SSTO does not need rocket staging to reach space at all. It either exhausts a tank to reach orbit with an amount of reserve propellant for landing, or it uses propellant to launch and then switches to nuclear blast propulsion pusher plate Orion style. With landing propellant to spare. So I eventuallly came to the conclusion that the heavier the vessel at launch, the more heat and shockwaves the landing gear will be exposed to if they are out. Just imagine, an SSTO has loaded up 100 tons of raw platinum from earthy planet Goldrush (just indulge the thought a bit), and now it prepares to launch into orbit again in spite of the 1g the planet is pulling them down with. Now I am not saying landing gear cannot survive this, what I am saying is that I am not sure how many landings the landing legs or struts can take before they are irreversably damaged from rocket exhaust and atmospheric shockwave sonic blowback from the ground. For that matter, can a ship get by WITHOUT landing struts? Like suppose an orion pusher plate landed on it's plate while extending rockets to slow for landing? What you think? Could even retract the pistons inside the ship so that pusher plate is flush with the bottom of the ship, making it look like a bullet. That way rocket exhaust won't burn them. Retracted shape: Released shape:
  7. Depends on field configuration and strength no? Futuristic tech could do it... modern see's it as impossible.
  8. I guess... you get what you pay for in space travel. The more control you have over dangerous situatiojs the better I say. Why let reentry have whatever way it wants with you?
  9. Magnetism will catch plasma on reentry for extra slowing.
  10. I was aware that the reenrty parachute won't slow the ship enough. To do that would require truly massive parachutes. But I a magnetic ballute siunds feasible, more than with a normal parachute since it it is more enclosed. No reason why we cannot have this in the future some day. We can minaturize magnets into the fabric or even make the fabric a kind of electromagnet. Future I say, because minaturizing all the tech to do that would be hard.
  11. You filled in the details quite nicely. Thank you. The big irony of space travel is the bigger your vessel the safer you are in space. The main problem with big vessels is less launch and more landing . That's why I thought of the parachute.... hey! Can ya test this in KSP? I know KSP is not IRL, but it IS the next best thing.
  12. Physically I think this idea borders the line of cutting edge to not possible. Before reentry with a large vessel, deploy an even larger parachute. Magnetize the parachute somehow. Massive parachute and super long tethers. Do reentry, massive magnetic parachute catches the plasma and air and slows ship more than it would without it. Saving rocket propellant for landing. Ideally in the future we can make lightweight magnetic fabrics and liquids common and heat resistant. Since that is required for this to work. What do you think?
  13. Skill sure.. lyrics are often pure grabage though, especially by KSP forum stamdards. Really, if anyone bragged using their normal voice about their activities in bed, at the club, or about threatening or planning to hurt someone, I would either think they are nuts, very outspoken, or a little of both. For what it's worth both country and rap have something in common... they both tell about their life. Country: Tractor. Wife. Work. Money. I am strong. Rap: Car. Money. Paid women. Money. I am tough, fear me etc. So virtually the same in content, just one is far more vulgar. It's not poetry itself that I have a problem with. It's blasting the crude and vulgar lyrics all over the planet. Garbage in garbage out.
  14. Not always. There have been plenty of times I played on underdog teams where I struggled to win... not to show off, but to help them win for once.
  15. Red Dwarf is virtually unknown to many. Americans, certainly unlike the phenomenon of Dr Who. Hitchhiker's was not very funny to me. Guardians was not very funny either. Perhaps having comical yet at the same time competent villains like Jim Carrey's Eggman is rare. It certainly seems so. Stargate played things too serious to really be funny, despite Oneil's attempts, which became boring after a while as were the goauld and other villains being incompetent to the extreme. Seriously. I could have beat SGI myself by saturating the grass around the stargate beforehand with flammable liquid, then light it so they cannot run back to the gate nor escape. Wall of fire. Easy peasy. I guess I like it when villain's are hilariously overconfident AND competent. As opposed to being overconfident with zero basis for it. Makes their eventual defeat so much more satisfying.
  16. Happens everyday 24/7. Boys and teenagers make heroic last stands in sports games all the time, win or lose. Even I used to do this. Many other ways of being heroic. Too many to mention.
  17. Same here. Rap I do not even consider music, but I am forced to listen to it when workmates blare it like it is the best thing ever. I also dislike country, but that has more to do with high picthed whinny sounding voices and country accent than anything else. People don't talk like that.
  18. This is a general trend nowadays. So me being american and liking stuff like this makes me kinda different I suppose. Blaring it on the speakers is a surefire way to make people observe social distacing I tell ya what. I know. I have done so. So why is this? I obviously wish more liked it, but oh well. Is there any country where the folks that love classical outnumber those that blare rap and country on max volume 24/7? Let me know and discuss. Thanks.
  19. No. I just thought that expending creative energy should be used more for actual writing of SF.
  20. I think scifi DOES take itself too seriously at times. I am not saying there should be no serious dramatic scifi, what I am saying is that there is a dramatic shortage of lighthearted scifi fare. Not everything needs to be epic, and if you must have heroism, why not include some fun humor into the mix as well? I like the movie Sonic for that and... played it... the original game.
  21. GAME OVER: I was thinking, why do this when I could just use the creative energy to actually write a story and then be done with it? After all the premise is not exactly new, namely how Earth would change if scifi aliens actually were real. So it's been fun, and I apologize for ending it quickly. But thanks for the play! And if you want to know how it all would have ended, including the original ending, just PM me.
  22. DARKEST BEFORE DAWN PATH: When you vote Earth into the alien alliance in exchange for one of their starships. Now that you have an scifi alien starship, what do you do with it? Ship capabilities: Besides the engines, it has a rate of fire depletable yet rechargable shield field bubble if not fired on. In other words, shields do not care how powerful a weapon hitting the shields is, they only care about how fast repeated hits occur. So rapid fire bullets or lasers could easily bring the shield down, but it could tank a nuclear blast with minimal depletion, however that does NOT mean the crew would survive the jolt from the g-force. That depends on their heading and direction. Obviously hitting a nuclear blast head on flying against it could kill from g-force alone... in atmosphere. You have no weapons installed on your ship. Meanwhile on Earth the alliance opens up their healthcare to more people than ever before, and with the approval of some but not all countries deploy flying drones to assist police and emergency workers. To those humans that are invited by the Alliance and accept their proposal, they are intergrated into their society on their homeworld. The millenial treatment comes standard for them, even though it means terminating the ability to procreate offspring (side effect of treatment). At least they will reach a thousand before the body begins to start aging normally again. Recommended for adults, not children, since beung a ten year old for a 1000 years is not cool. What do you do next with your ship... or do you do something else? Route Options: 1. Forget having offspring and ask for the millenial treatment. 2. Explore the galaxy right away. 3. Get weapons to arm your ship first. 4. Try to have kids first, then consider getting the millenial treatment.
  23. The laser pistol is definitely more scifi, since it has more power in a laser pistol than you should expect without overheating. The waste heat is actually linked to a power station through a mini portal. The gun is cooled via another mini portal linked to a pool of water. So firing the pistol does shoot steam out the sides when at high power. I wil continue the path you chose later, as well as the fate of Earth (joined to alliance now).
  24. Saia replies, "Then what do I have to do for you to vote for Earth to join the Alliance? I have broad powers regarding our affairs here on Earth. Let's make a trade, I give you something, you provide the vote? Deal?" "What will you give me?" "Anything... so long it's within reason. Naturally you should know by now from our time on Earth that I won't give you anything that will have a a definite negative effect on security, education, or food stock." You begin to think of the possibilities. What will you ask for? 1. A starship that can take off to space and land so long it's charged. 7 hour engine accelration time, same time for recharge. Max acceleration is 7g. Charge depletes whether you use engine or not, so every 7 hours your engines will stall and recharge for 7 hours. One LY per hour warp ability. Payload 100 tons. 2. A laser pistol and a visor so you won't blind yourself. It's powerful enough to blast holes in wood or bodies and also has an electrolaser stun mode setting. 3. Alien genetics and bio-manipulation school (how do you think the Protectors became so good at this?). 4. Saia. 5. Something else you will say. 6. Alien slaves. Either some of the cat people or the bug people. The bug people are really strong, and the cat people are really fast. And the Protectors have horns, and endurance that is lasts longer than humans, but also sleep longer too.
  25. FUTURE TENSE ENDING Over a 100 years later: A lot has happened since a century ago when the Protectors came, healed thousands, and extended the lifespans of many. The Protectors said they would return in a century to see if we changed our minds about rejecting them, and many of those who had life extensions still walk the Earth, not havong recognizably aged. They are dubbed Millenials, since researchers figured out that they each have about a thousand year lifespan. Yet paradoxicalky, all Millenials are unable to bear children. Both men and women of the group cannot procreate. Many are upset about this and many claim it was an alien plot to peacefully kill us all off Since the departure of the aliens Earth has been obsessed with them. Orbital weapon satelittes are scattered all over orbiting Earth, and alien themed movies are the new superhero movies of the day. You are long dead, since you never trusted the Protectors enough to take the treatnent to live longer. Nonetheless the Protecors do return, and Saia looks just like she did a century ago. She makes the same offer, but when Millenials complain about being infertile, Saia claims that was just a side-effect of the treatment. She also says that for the last 100 years the Protectors have screened Earth off from inferior races (the dangerous ones Saia mentioned who also have advanced tech compared to humans). They will only continue to if humans join them as a planet, otherwise, they will leave Earth to the wild and let nature taje it's course. Either way, life on Earth won't stay the same. "Make a choice. Suffering by aliens who are as bad or worse than your kind, or protection?" Saia says. Current News Year 2120: Big news! The Protectors refuse to heal a man. Why? They scanned him and said he was the descendent of the man who made the deciding vote for them to leave last time. Yet if people vote for them to stay this time, all will be forgiven they claim. No one knows what will happen, but time will tell. Always does. THE END For this path at least.
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