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Everything posted by TheurGist

  1. @4x4cheesecake that is how i uninstalled it but I made sure before the uninstallation to manually delete all files. either way I did as you said and deleted all files besides squad and re installed the mods. This time only engineer redux and transfer window, no chatterer. engine redux works as it should, however, the transfer window is completely broken as i showed in my last post. no drop downs or anything. the installation of the mods automatically makes all those extra folders that were incorrect as you said so i made sure to fix that and have them in the exact places you mentioned "the right way" but im still having trouble with transfer window. here is another log file to be sure - outpul_log can also add me on discord if that is easier/faster, i usually never have problems with these sorts of things thanks for taking the time to help me its really appreciated it. i just got ksp recently and have been addicted pretty hard lol
  2. @4x4cheesecake thank you for the detailed guide. Unless I'm dumb and am missing something I'm pretty sure I have it installed correctly. My other mod the one that helps with building the ships works fine I think engineer redux? - that was dragged into the "game data" folder. however for the transfer window since it was named "game data" for the mod folder I dragged it into the main folder of KSP. anything else I have to do? and obviously making sure I have the newest version of the mod that said does work w 1.7? I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and got the mods for it again and now it doesn't even show up as much as before. now it looks like this - https://gyazo.com/376b2ca673a479be95be4e1ddb23b827 I only have those two installed and chatterer. Log File ^ There is the log file, let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!
  3. Hi I just installed this mod and was wondering if anyone can help. Not sure why but it looks like this - https://gyazo.com/c3f260d93d3533e97c1fe14b93fa3b5f something is obviously wrong but im not really sure what... as you see I cant even set Mun as a destination. I re-downloaded the mod and re-installed but that didnt fix anything. appreciate any help thanks
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