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  1. [Operating System]: Windows 8 (64 bit) [Memory]: 8GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: No [Mods installed, pre-patch]: Much [Mods installed, post-patch]: None (Steam Fresh install) [Description of problem (keep it short)]: N/A
  2. When we will get the Fix? Do you know a date? Oh and Great work i have to say =)
  3. I have a Problem! I startet A Sattelite with the 5000km Antenna! Then it was out of range! so i startet a second one with a 5000km antenna and a dish (this sattite is for Communication to the Mun!) So and i Startet a rover with a dish. but the dish dont get any connection, can someone tell me why? I dont get this Sattelites in radio range -.-
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