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Everything posted by AHHans

  1. [The following is from before the latest patch (KSP 1.7.1, BG 1.0). I understand that the new patch makes them easier to find, but I haven't tested that myself.] I found one sandstone on Minmus, but it was *bleep*ing hard. I had Bob fly at a few hundred meters over the surface, and the looked for a pixel that twinkles just that bit differently... The Olivine formations are somewhat easier to find, but I don't have the scanner arms unlocked yet. So they do exist.
  2. Have you tried that? Because that's exactly what I plan to ... well, at least try to. Put a rotor on top of my Eve lander to get me a few kilometers off the ground with electrical power. First I have to teach my Kerbals how to make those big Rockets again in my new career game. Right now they are all exited about a mysterious green sandstone that Val, Bill, and Bob have claimed to have found on Minmus.
  3. I had the same problem, but after switching to another vessel and then back to the satellite it was correctly identified as a new vessel, and the contract finished...
  4. I have a similar problem as the OP, with the difference that for me the "transmitted science" maxes out at about 25%. Which means that I cannot complete the associated contracts...
  5. I also have this problem. It started with version 1.7.0, but in my first few hours with 1.7.1 (and the BG DLC) it happened quite often. <ESC> and <R-Shift>-<F12> did nothing. Right now it is behaving well, but when it happens again, I'll collect the logs. I run the Steam version on Linux in a window.
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