Thank you very much for your kindly solution.
But I may have misunderstood your description.
I have amended the file KAS/Patches/MM-Kerbals.cfg as follows. (Pay attention to the first line)
name = KASLinkTargetKerbal
// AbstractLinkPeer
linkType = MdCable
attachNodeName = kasAutoBackpack0
attachNodeDef = 0,0,0, 0,0,0 // It will be adjusted to the bone anyways.
// KASLinkTargetKerbal
equipBoneName = **/bn_jetpack01
equipPosAndRot = 0,0.049,-0.09, 190,0,0
name = KASLinkTargetKerbal
// AbstractLinkPeer
linkType = MdHose
attachNodeName = kasAutoBackpack0
attachNodeDef = 0,0,0, 0,0,0 // It will be adjusted to the bone anyways.
// KASLinkTargetKerbal
equipBoneName = **/bn_jetpack01
equipPosAndRot = 0,0.049,-0.09, 190,0,0
But I still cannot grab the RTS-1, and its display “Source is not available for a link”.
Forgive my folly. Did I make it mistake?
Or can you be kind to show me the revised full text?
Thank you for your kindness and waiting for reply With profound respect and humility.