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Everything posted by leosefcik

  1. I don’t know why but the MK1 fuselage and the MK1 fuselage with the intake are missing, even though i have the whole tech tree...
  2. So, there is this one mod, called the Akita Rover by RoverDude. I had problems with putting a kerbal into the Akita seat from the VAB, but there is this one comment that says how to fix it: I just ran into this and took a look at what made the External Command Seat "special" so it could launch occupied. Turns out you just need to set a CrewCapacity on the Akita and you can launch with it occupied. Just add the following patch somewhere. @PART[Akita_Seat] { CrewCapacity = 1 } So basically i'm supposed to paste it somwhere, but does anyone have any idea where? this is the code for the Akita Seat itself (the code is made by RoverDude): Should i paste it here or where?
  3. But does anyone have some tips?
  4. Hmm... it works just fine for me.
  5. So basically... i’m not new to the game. I have a hefty 200 hours on it already. I may seem like i know most basics of the game, and i do, but one thing i never knew really was getting to orbit. I have a basic understanding of delta-v and thrust to weight ratios and aerodynamics in this game, but every rocket i design just doesnt get the 4300 delta v to get into orbit. And if it does its because the rocket is very fuel consuming and just plain bad or i use hyperedit. This sucks because i still cant get my stages of the mun lander to orbit in career. While i dont have many problems with stability and i also have a basic and a bit ineffecient way to get into orbit, i have problems with getting just enough fuel and the right engines to get there. Any help or tips? image of most effecient rocket i made for career (for getting to mun): https://pasteboard.co/IirFkL5.jpg the specs of the modded engine on the bottom (Kiwi engine from SpaceY): https://pasteboard.co/IirG3PE.jpg Edit: wait guys i just reached orbit with that rocket! It took many tries but i did. Does anyone havy any tips to make it better (or get a way better design overall)? Edit 2: For those who the pasteboard doesnt work https://imgur.com/a/sA8gH8W
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