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Everything posted by YURI KAGARIN

  1. Good design, good name. Gonna have to steal this one.
  2. I saw this video on youtube and realized that Kerbin has no seasons! In the video that all the satalites placed in equatorial geosynchronous orbit (I'm assuming that's what the big ring is) are inclined to match Earth's axial tilt. Kerbin has no axial tilt, which combined with our equatorial launch site makes orbital navigation quite a bit simpler. Perhaps future versions of the game will include a "hard" mode where Kerbin is tilted on its axis and/or the launch site is not equatorial.
  3. Here's my personal best: Ascent stage: Descent stage:
  4. I also endorse this approach, it is the most Kerbal.
  5. Thanks sal I set mine to 90,000 so I'll see an autosave every 25 hours of playing time.
  6. Auto saves seem to happen at awkward times and cause lag spikes on my computer. Can this feature be disabled?
  7. As requested, a ship capable of the Kerbin, Mun, Kerbin, Mun, Kerbin mission. Disclaimer: I have not fixed the fuel bug on my version of KSP. My guess is that with the bug fixed, this ship would still succeed with just a few more tanks added to the upper stages. The stack: Further remarks: Launch phase must be throttled down as you pass 11k; must be below 2g or risk catastrophic failure. Begin roll at 11 k and aim for 80k holding orbit. Upon first landing on Kerbin, the parachutes slow your decent to 11m/s. Use throttle just before touchdown to slow further or damage to engines will occur.
  8. I could when I get home, what website do people typically use to store them on?
  9. Kerbin > Mun > Kerbin > Mun > Kerbin is a lot of fun.
  10. In my experience getting the planes right early on is the best way to speed up rendez vous. After that its a lot of adjust, time accel, repeat, and as a general rule don't go straight for the target until you're within 5km. RCS is your friend here, I try to make sure my ships have some easy way of identifying "up" so that the controlls make sense. Pictured: The junk buster rendezvous with a a newly launched LKO station to destroy its boost stage:
  11. The shuttle visits the Kerbo-synchronous station A different STS mission visits the low altitude Minmus outpost
  12. I use a Logitech 3D pro and have it set up so the pov hat rotates the camera. RCS is controlled by various buttons: Trigger=Forward, Various thumb buttons handle backwards/up/down, left and right are handled by side by side buttons on the left side of the base of the joystick. This way I can pan the view while I fly aircraft, and camera work while using RCS during rendezvous is much easier.
  13. Wait, do you guys already know what the new planets are going to be?
  14. Hey, similar problem but I can't even find the "orange" team in my persistent file. I don't want to delete it because of ongoing operations though, is there text I could add to bring them back?
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