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  1. I'd guess it's likely the same problem @Rudolf Meier has been working on for the last few weeks... I belive he's testing it via a prerelease version... I've not had a chance to try again because I was doing a mission with little need for robot parts, you could check his github releases and install it manually to test the new version.
  2. I finally created an account on this forum because of this issue. I don't have screenshots right now, but basically I attached a science module under the main body of a probe with a piston... The non-debug version of KJRn locked up the piston but the debug version fixed it. I will keep using the debug version for play... But... Before I installed the debug version, I did try to time warp and lock/unlock the joints but it didn't change anything... I can upload craft files via steam if you want but my current install has a lot of mods, I can create a stock install to test it later today if that will help you...anything to help... I appreciate you mod devs a lot!
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