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Everything posted by Tetriswizard

  1. Hi Sal, thanks for responding. After setting my tablet to relative mode, I still have the same problem, I right click, and movement of the pen doesn't register as mouse movement. I wonder that maybe unity detects mouse movement, while my pad sets the mouse position, instead of move the mouse to the position.
  2. I have a Medion 86635, it's an old tablet, and the right click and middle click buttons that I have on the pen don't seem to want to function like the mouse. For example, the VAB, I can't rotate the view, but I can pick and place parts, as well as open the right click menu and change things such as fuel levels and thrust limits. Once launched, I am able to right click parts, and change things much like in the VAB, however I am still unable to rotate the view. As a test, I right clicked with my mouse, and moved with the pen, however I was still unable to rotate the view. I use it all the time, and for programs like Photoshop, it right clicks just fine, infact it works for games, like Interplanetary, Banished, and Harvest: Massive Encounter. Is this a problem with KSP or my tablet/computer? I would REALLY like to use my tablet to design ships, because it just seems cooler, and I find it easier to use than a mouse (my opinion and experience).
  3. Wish we had resizable windows, sometimes the terminal feels like a speck on my screen, and it doesn't look right. I use Sublime Text for all my code, and I felt the lack of syntax with KOS disturbing: KerboScript Drag the KerboScript folder into your Sublime Text 2/3 (I don't have 3, but it should probably work on it) packages folder. It uses a .KOS file extension for your backup needs/automatic syntax detection. Also, GOD DAMN THAT FONT. It's so bold that after a few minutes of looking, it hurts my eyes, not to mention it makes it slightly harder to read. I edited the font image so the letters were thinner, and not bold. Here you go: Lighter Font Drag it into your gamedata folder and let it override the KOS folder. It replaces the original font_sml.png so make a backup if you want to go back to the bold font later.
  4. Could you change the docs/wiki to remove that Top of the Page box and button? That box takes up like a 1/10th of my already limited screen and it very, very annoying and frustrating. Not to mention if someone REALLY needed to go to the top of the page, they could just scroll up. Or move it to a small box on the top left/right corners so its not covering any test?
  5. Logged in just to say, bro look at that shading, theres more to pixel art than just a silhouette. Remember that there is light direction, and shading. the light level indicates the slope/direction/level of the area. Also keep those engine nacelles round, they're seperate from the ship body, and look at some Kestrel pictures on the internet, none of them look like yours. Another tip, not a good idea to use curvy splines, as they increase your polycount by the handful and even a dozen polygons can affect a computers performance enough to make a difference. also that's 729 poly's, 1254 points, and 28 individual objects.
  6. Will get around to redoing names and other stuff soon.
  7. This seems like a great idea. Hopefully you get somewhere decent with this.
  8. The Pride of Kerbiin. What a beautiful ship. Also I would suggest a version of the rover without the axles(?) so that people who want to can also use the Rovemax M1 wheels.
  9. These are produced under the fictional company Terazone. Download (link suspended), with the decent, barely working parts. As soon as I figure out solar panels I'll update this. Don't expect regular updates, I work on parts when I want some variety, and when I'm bored. Parts and part list are subject to change. Pictures of what I've produced so far. The Perp: Grace: Roxie: Unix: Pixie: Ronda: Annie: Bertha: Prim: Terazone Parts by Tetriswizard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
  10. Hey Lack, any plans for more science parts? Or anything that isn't fuselages? Things like your truck cab and the satellite dish are just absolutely ballin' and I want more of them.
  11. Hey Lack, when will we get textured Adapters? Edit: Can we at least get the uv-maps instead of a blank grey picture?
  12. Just wondering, but where do the empty gameobject's for the RCS thruster's go? Do I rename them? Should they be children of the RCS model?
  13. Hi DYJ,

    I was just wondering if you could upload the procedural wings to another upload site. Your Dropbox account seems to be over capacity, and I no-one is allowed to download from it anymore.



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  14. My god. Fairly certain Lack is telepathic, because yesterday while I was sick, I created a plane with the Buster cockpit and it just looked too bulky, and then I wished for you to make a plane cockpit.
  15. Check the big, stickied, "Compilation of modding information links" thread.
  16. So how long before 0.1 comes with all the 0.095 parts, the new textured adaptors, new engines, vtol engines, and hog parts, oh, and those 2 cool new adaptors in the screenshot there. The pressure is on Lack! Time for 0.1.
  17. Oh god what. I think this album confirms an LLL radial liquid engine!
  18. this has inspired me to get back to work on my Thunderbirds.
  19. God, the Hog is such a nice idea. Looks beautiful so have a shot of it with some lights I need help with. The lights actually give the mouth some cool features, or 'teeth'. Edit: DISASTER HAS STRUCK. It's now a grounded Hog.
  20. This isn't for an altitude reading, this is for the distance between your X, Y and Z co-ordinates, and the X, Y and Z co-ordinates you designate
  21. Take a look at this image I just created. In this instance, let's assume: - That you are at A - You want to be at C - Up is the Y Axis Now that we have assumed those things, lets clear some other things up. - L, W, and H are the distance between your targets X, Y and Z co-ords - a is the distance between You/A and the air above C, which is also the same as your Up/Y co-ords - b is the distance between You/A and your target Use Pythagorean formula to find a, using the forward and sideways co-ords a = sqr[ (L*L) + (W*W) ] With sqr representing Square Root. Now you have the distance from your co-ords to the Up/Y co-ords above your target, C. Since we have a, we can now move on to the grey plane. The grey plane is neither the Sideway/X, Up/Y, or Forward/Z planes, but a mixture of the three, with the Up/Y plane being the major one. Another thing to note is that we want to find c, which is the distance between A and C. This is easy, as it is just another Pythagorean formula. c = sqr[ (a*a) + (b* ] After going through with that formula, you will have c. c is the distance between You/A and Your Target/C I hope this helped, and if anyone sees anything wrong with this, tell me. I'm just going by memory.
  22. Ah well, still a beautiful ship you created. Lack, when do we get the new adapter parts??
  23. Looks like Hoojiwana likes The Cygnus. Very nice rendition of it . Mind uploading the craft file of it seeing as you aren't its only fan?
  24. Will you be posting anyone of this in the releases section? This looks so amazing, and I\'d use this anyday. so PLEASE RELEASE THIS
  25. Who knows, after i have done them all, i might move to Captain scarlet and Space 1999 Edit: I\'ves started work on the Thunderbird 5, and I\'m just getting details into the roundhouse. Soon I\'ll start on the Neck and the details of it.
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