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Everything posted by Mabbi

  1. Hi folks, i am proud owner of KSP for about 2 weeks now, playing my first career game with a quite hard settting (well at at least for me..i only can reset a flight and can do quicksaves/loads, rest is as it comes preset) So today, after days of trial and error, i got my first ugly looking SSTO flying, designed only with tec90 parts and in addition panther engines. It can bring 4 tourists to a circular orbit around kerbin and land again, no stages or dropping parts at all. Might sound boring for you, but for me its a real archievment. Here is a picture of the ugly beast As you might see, it features airbrakes, the stronger suspension parts and some airplane parts like the ailerons from the next research too. This were added today by ferrying tourists around Kerbil with 50% income converted into rearch. This "beauty" got me 2 Tec160 researches unlocked today. Btw..do you use the admin building too ? I love how you can make money contracts produce tons of research when doing them with plains or reusable crafts.
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