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Nicolás A

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Everything posted by Nicolás A

  1. So I bought the game around about a week or two ago and have been having a real good time crashing almost all of my rockets (very steep learning curve). Either way the game is stupendous and besides it taking a heavy toll on my PS4, with low framerates when I launch big rockets, I haven't experienced any game breaking bugs up until now. I was clearing out some save files and I accidentally seem to have deleted the "persistent" save file. I made sure the save the game with quicksaves but needless to say the save file won't load, with a message saying the save file "(bunch of letters)" cannot be loaded. I saw this problem happen to some people way back in January of 2018 but they said it doesn't happen in the PS4 version and I would like to confirm, that the bug does indeed occur in PS4 too sadly. Basically, is there a fix? (I don't have a ps plus membership so no cloud)
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