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  1. To anyone wondering about this, I have figured it out. Firstly, one has to make sure that the Earth CFG file has the instruction "isHomeWorld = True" changed to "isHomeWorld = False". Secondly, the RSS file " RSSKopernicusSettings.cfg" should not be used as it deletes all the default planets (!Body,* {}) and removes all the default launch sites. I will be working on adding the RSS launch sites, if possible, once I get all the planet CFG files sorted. I can post an update, or start a detailed thread, if anyone is interested.
  2. ---> Lisais, thank you for your help. I made a clean re-install. I added the MODs one by one. The culprit is KerbinSide Remastered This is strange because it was working flawlessly since my initial install of On the KerbinSide Remastered page, it is supposed to work with 1.12.3, and it did so for a couple of weeks. Does anyone have any ideas of why this would spontaneously stop working and bork the game?
  3. I was testing some Kopernicus planet config files and KSP started crashing. I removed the planet config files, but the problem remains. Since the crashing started during planet testing, and without installing any new MODs, I do not think it is a mod-related problem and that something in "core" KSP installation may have been corrupted. This is the displayed error: Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger An unhandled win32 exception occured in [3892] KSP_x64.exe. Just-In-Time debugging this exception failed with the following error: No installed debugger has Just-In-Time debugging enabled. In Visual Studio, Just-In-Time debugging can be enabled from Tools/Options/Debugging/Just-In-Time. Check the documentation index for 'Just-In-Time debugging, errors' for more information. This is odd because I do not currently have Visual Studio installed. These are the installed mods: ClickThroughBlocker - Toolbar - ToolbarControl - CommunityPartsTitles - 0.9 KSP-Recall - ABCors - B9 Part Switch - 2.19 BargainRocketPartsContinued - CommNetAntennasInfo - 3.1.2 CommunityTechTree - 3.4.4 Contract Configurator - 1.30.5 Custom Asteroids - 1.9 CustomPrelaunchChecks - DMagic Orbital Science Remake - 1.0.1 Easy Vessel Switch - 2.3.7852.41352 Environmental Visual Enhancements - Redux - FTLDriveContinued - 0.2.5 Hallowe'en (HLWN) - KerbalGPS - KerbalKonstructs - 1.8.3 WaterLaunchSites - 1.0.1 Kerbin Side Remastered - 1.0.1 Komplexity (KPLX) - Kopernicus - KSC Extended - 3.0.2 KSP-AVC Plugin - Module Manager Watch Dog - Burger Mod (NBBM - 0.5 Parking Brake - 0.4.4 ResearchBodies - 1.12 ResonantOrbitCalculator - Roster Manager - ScienceAlert - 1.9.10 Ship Manifest - 6.0.6 ButtonManager - SpaceTuxLibrary - VesselModuleSave - Surface Mounted Lights - 1.19.7854.4854 TextureReplacer - 4.5.3 TooManyOrbits - Tracking Station Evolved - 1.0.7 Tundra Space Center - 2.0.2 TweakScale - Universal Storage 2 - VesselMover - 1.12 Waypoint Manager - Blueshift - 1.6.2 [x] Science! - The links for my log files are here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xpnmm5n672kx3h1/error.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/q9ihri7014znw4t/Player.log?dl=0
  4. Snark ---> I have already compared the Real Solar System (RSS) planets, particularly Earth, with a couple of other planets from other planet packs, and have not been able to determine what part of the config file actually causes Kopernicue to replace the stock planet. What I am trying to accomplish is adding the planets of RSS to the Kerbin system: Not replacing the KErbin system.
  5. I have been trying to figure out how Kopernicus replaces the stock planets in KSP. I have compared .CFG files from RSS and planet packs, but am unable to identify the line that causes a replacement. It appears to be a line under the "body" subheading or the "properties" subheading. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  6. I have been having a hard time finding an answer to my problem with Haystack. I am running windows based KSP with Haystack ReContinued Haystack appears to only load the stock KSP planets. I have Galaxies Unbound A Stellar Odyssey 1.0.2-3 and Titania 0.8 installed., but cannot locate vehicles when Haystack is sorted by celestial body. If I sort by time launched or vessel type, I can locate all deployed craft. Is Haystack running as coded, am I missing something in configuration, or is there a burp somewhere? Thank you for your time and help.
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