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  1. @jognt ? Where? in my gameData i have only Bon voyage, Squad and Squad extention (with ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll)
  2. @Maja, too bad for this rover, I preferred to put an end to his mission. which is strange because the same model on Earth or Mimnus continues to work (even if the solar yield is stronger in these places). @VoidSquid In fact I had a chain of problems that triggered with the last DLC and I had to test, desinstaler one or the other mods, and reinstal other version them. Now i have a big mess in my active save game. They continue to want Copernicus Solar panel but i do not want. And some vessel seem to work badly. I do not know how to reset and keep all my save. May be parsing and cleaning any code mentions added in .sfs files by mods.
  3. HI, i'm stuck with my rover on Duna I used Kopernicus, and remove because drop FPS 60 to 6... But now, BonVoyage always say it's not enough power, rover production is too low" But i have 2K of energy, or if i pass in consol infinit electrical energy 2x solar panels give 0.65 of= 1.3 of Generated power in Bon Voyage panel Why ? I'm on BonVoyage 0.5.0, and only this mod in my gameData folder.
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