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Everything posted by DcDanko

  1. I’m hoping they implement some sort of automatic burn system that works when you’re not focused on the craft. Having to manually burn for several real-life hours to get up to interstellar speeds sounds arduous. Even if you’re using a fusion or Orion engine, it’s still gonna take a while. I think it would be best implemented as a system that enables pre-planned, constant, low thrust burns, like Ion engines do in the real world. Then you can plan and start the burn, and let it complete over several in-game days, months, or even years. Also, depending on how efficient some of the future tech engines are, we might able to do artificial gravity by accelerating constantly for half the distance, then flipping the ship around to slow down for the other half. I’d imagine there might be some penalty for leaving your Kerbals in 0g for several years. Since KSP 2 is supposed to be near future tech, I’d be shocked if it doesn’t have at least semi-automatic orbit planning and execution.
  2. As long as they don’t remove any legacy parts, I don’t see why they wouldn’t let you convert your crafts.
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