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  1. Power, power! infinity POWER!!! KE-01 Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator R20200410 Release It's a single part mod, but after you download it you can see a folder named "Jebediah_Industry" and that means I will make more and more parts like this Stay tuned ! DOWNLOAD ON SPACEDOCK ! license: MIT P.S: Read "readme.md" file (open it by notebook) first, it will tell you how to install this mod and where to find it. have fun! you can also buy my cat a bag of catfood by this link :https://afdian.net/@Jeb2631344885 or this if you don't want to buy my cat a bag of catfood(cat: prrrrrrrrr), you can subscribe my bilibili channel: https://space.bilibili.com/279755943
  2. Thank you! I’m ready to work! So what's my first project?
  3. Can I join you guys? I can Import object and write cfg, but I want to learn how to import costume shaders. I tried the way that in the forum, but my unity can't build the .ksp file, I'm sure my unity version is the version that part tool support, I'm really confuse. Hope I can join your team to help make more mods and also learn skills from you.
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