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Everything posted by DeLaaiem

  1. I think Transfer Window Planner causes this, I've did some troubleshooting and re-installs and leads me to this conclusion. have a great day!
  2. I've removed all mods and reinstalling them one by one. If I can remember which mods I had installed I'll mention the mod that causes the problem on this thread
  3. I only have transfer planner, this could be the cause. I'll try to troubleshoot by removing and adding mods in CKAN
  4. thanks for answering, here's a link to the log file: https://mega.nz/#!GTYGlYqY!QsSl0r97oWUdgoz_qeS1SXbC6v1RebmNYzh8x91YjO0
  5. hello reader, first of all, yes I do have a few mods installed. ksp starts up normally and the first launch also works flawless but when I revert to SPH or VAB or just go to the space center, when I try to launch a new rocket the game loads and after that the loading screen appears to be stuck over top of the game play. if I spam 'esc' and if I get lucky the loading screen dissapears but the camera is stuck at a weird angle and I can't seem to interact with anything. what could be the cause and what can I do to resolve this problem? are there any mods known to cause this? thanks in advance!
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