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Everything posted by Martin911

  1. Hi guys i need help with KOS please getting errors, undefined variable print "Launch Time: T" + round(missionT - launchcht) if anyone could help please. Here is my code for KOS: //Print data to screen @lazyglobal off. set terminal:width to 60. set terminal:height to 50. function displayFlightData { //Title bar print "------------------- Flight Display 1.0 --------------------" at (1,1). print "Launch Time: T" + round(missionT - launchcht) + " " at (3,2). // Body info print "Current Body: " + currentBody() + " " at (3,3). print "Atm Height: " + atmHeight() + " " at (3,4). print "SL Gravity: " + round(staticGravity(), 2) + " " at (3,5). print " " at (1,6). print "Current Gravity: " + round(gravity(ship:altitude), 2) + " " at (3,7). print "TWR: " + round(shipCurrentTWR(), 2) + " / " + round(shipTWR(), 2) + " " at (3,8). print " " at (1,9). print "Heading: " + round(compass_for(ship), 2) + " " at (3,10). print "Pitch: " + round(pitch_for(ship), 2) + " " at (3,11). print "Roll: " + round(roll_for(ship), 2) + " " at (3,12). print " " at (1,13). print "Sea Level Altitude: " + round(ship:altitude / 1000 , 1) + "km " at (3,14). print " " at (1,15). print "-----------------------------------------------------------" at (1,16). print " " at (1,17). } function displayLaunchData { print "Target Heading: " + round(compass, 2) + " " at (3,18). print "Target Pitch: " + round(pitch, 2) + " " at (3,19). print "Target Apoapsis: " + round(orbAlt / 1000) + "km " at (3,20). print "Current Apoapsis: " + round(ship:apoapsis / 1000, 3) + "km " at (3,21). print " " at (1,22). print "-----------------------------------------------------------" at (1,23). print " " at (1,24). } function displayManeuverData { parameter node. //print "Target Apoapsis: " + round(targetAltitude / 1000) + "km " at (3,18). print "Maneuver ETA: " + round(node:eta - (nodeBurnTime(node) / 2), 1) + "s " at (3,19). //print "Orbital Velocity: " + round(getOrbitalVelocity(ship:apoapsis), 1) + "m/s " at (3,20). //print "Velocity at Apoapsis: " + round(getVelocityAtApoapsis(), 1) + "m/s " at (3,21). print "Node DeltaV Reqired: " + round(node:deltav:mag, 1) + "m/s " at (3,22). print "Estimated Burn Time: " + round(nodeBurnTime(node), 1) + "s " at (3,23). print " " at (1,24). print "-----------------------------------------------------------" at (1,25). print " " at (1,26). }
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