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Everything posted by Dirkidirk

  1. doesn't sound effective. we are about to reach page 16 and @Misguided_Kerbal still hasn't arrived.
  2. unrelated, have you ever experienced fire ants? I recently experienced fire ants after they attempted to consume my dog's food, and my dog attempted to retake the burnining (an actual, unintentionallal typo) food. I yeeted it far away.
  3. yeah, you don't, and you won't, you have now completely changed the rules of the game, while at the same time not.
  4. ok4 be proud, soon everyone will be saying nokay [number] and ok [number] ok 5
  5. RIP Also... didn't realize that he posted twice, got rid of it, but I guess we need a third ok. ok 3
  6. um... grades in the first semester were not the best (not even close) but not the absolute worst... ever since middle school things have only gotten worse, until 2020, somehow... the only bad teacher according to me was back in 2008-9, it involved a belt or something, don't remember much of anything back then. every other teacher was nice, with the occasional meme lord. OOF.
  7. I think about stupid things, and that that story was pretty fresh, AND school sucks.
  8. Using the power if the google, I saw images of the mythical beast known as the "shoob".
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