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  1. And this version is only meant for 1.6.1? Or can I also use it on 1.7.3? Thank you for the work (:
  2. So it is Realism Overhaul and KSPIE that don't get along. @FreeThinker Would you be able to create a patch for this? In the meantime removing the warpplugin would work as a botch(if @ThePatsch78 is right about that) , but this obviously is no solution.
  3. Hello everyone, I'm currently experiencing a bug related to KSP Interstellar Extended: Whenever I add KSP Interstellar (Either via CKAN or Manually) all my solar panels are no longer producing electricity, but actually take away electric charge. It seems to completly flip consumers and producers. The list of my mods is rather long, but this bug only happens as soon as I install KSP Interstellar Extended. I was unable to find any other description oif this bug. Cheers
  4. Hello everyone, I've got a problem with my current modset, part of that modset being AmpYear. I actually *don't* think that it is necessarily AmpYears fault, but rather some other, but it has to do with electric charge and I've been able to figure it out using AmpYear. So, what's the problem? Well there seems to be a rogue minus roaming around in the code, making all of my solar panels take away electric charge and all of my antennas, lights, reaction wheels and so on charge the batteries. Quite annoying! As stated at the start this is most probably not a problem with AmpYear, but rather one created by switching the modset from Real Solar back to the Kerbol system. Does someone know where the rogue minus is hanging around? Is there some .cfg I can edit to fix this bug? Greetings!
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