can anyone answer me if devs have talked about making the game in vulkan api, if its multithreaded with the aim of 8+ cores, if they are trying to stabilize it for an expected of 100 mods.
if they plan to streamline parts to not bog down loading with 30min startup. to have tweakscale and upgradable parts instead of a list of 300 similar batteries u get with dumb mods.
instead of new parts you get a skin slider to keep inventory and building managable without 3rd party sorters/filters.
if you can have moon bases and launch sites. build automatic infrastructure iwth npc launches to deliver cargo and supplies off world. to have sprawling cities and towns/colony domes that expand and upgrade with time supplies and milesstones.
if late game u can terraform citycites and make green duna. if anomalies like wormholes dimensional rifts, gravity waves and such can randomly pop up.
if there will be a stock hardmode with manegment like kerbalism, health fitness rank, rpg like crew like medical officer commander quartermaster geologist.