I have a somewhat stupid question... How do you get microwave relays to work? I can't for the life of me get them to work at all. The setup: 1 solar satellite in orbit, 1 relay (i.e. one transmitter, one receiver on the same craft) on the VAB lauchpad, and 1 receiver on the SPH runway. I can get the relay to receiver power, and retransmit it, but when I switch to the receiver and point it at the relay, i don't get any connection (0KW, 0 satellites, 0 relays). =/ Can anyone confirm their relays work? Fractal, I believe I have also found a slight issue with the current microwave transmitter code. While I was playing around with my microwave network, I found that if I disabled the transmitter, and then switched crafts within about 30s or so, the craft may still be recognized as a transmitting satellite. Same thing for when I enabled the transmitter. After poking around the code a bit, I think the issue is with the way "warpplugin.cfg" is updated. It seems to only be updated every 1000 updates (or so?). Might I suggest that the cfg file be updated as soon as you press the "enable" or "disable" button for the transmitter as well? That would make it more responsive. =)