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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. If you are playing on rescale, you'll be happy to know I've heard your pleas and the distance culler will be coming back in next release, which'll be very soon. For users who don't need it, it can in next release simply be set to "0" to disable it, so we get the best of both worlds. It will be set to "5000" meters by default, which should be a good compromise. As it stood, 10x rescale was nearly unplayable without the culler, as the long distance horizons ensured way too many scatters to manage. I forgot to think about rescales when concluding performance was "acceptable," heh.
  2. My only addition to this thread is this: https://gfycat.com/unluckybestkrill And yes I want it for the environment. No, I do not want to launch it into space. And no I do not expect stock to do it. Modder territory. I know well enough there are animals on Kerbin, what else could make the bird like noises at the KSP?
  3. Kopernicus release-37 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-37): 1.) Land Scatter optimizations and bugfixes. They now run pretty dang close to stock performance. 2.) Because of the new scatter centric performance, the scatter culler is disabled (it now costs more performance to run than the performance it gained, so what is the point?). The Kopernicus_config.cfg commands for it are furthermore no longer obeyed, but may be left intact without harm. If you want to reduce scatters, I advise using the stock scatter density slider. Known Bugs: 1.) Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error. 2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. 4.) Hazardous Body object is presently broken, and has been for some time aparently. We are working on this for next release. Don't go driving in lava you shouldn't drive in, now...
  4. I don't know what to tell you without logs. Try deleting KSP.log to regenerate it. Logs should not be that big, and release 36 is supposed to work with 1.11.2. I have a feeling your log is quite old and has a lot of stuff we don't need. Deleting and regenerating it will fix that and make it a manageable size.
  5. No, it's pretty much exclusively users on old builds. I was ready for 1.11.2 days in advance with the latest stable build of Kopernicus. Weird, I know. Kopernicus updating before the release of an update. It's like the bizzaro world has come to us.
  6. Try the latest release. Most people reporting this are a couple releases out of date, and those lack 1.11.2 support.
  7. Yes. The latest versions are autoadapting to minor updates like this. Try that. Do bear in mind the notes on solar panels in the release notes though (for JNSQ, other than possibly a harmless error on loaded craft blueprints, you are fine). Pretty cool that I don't have to do anything. I just tried JNSQ and it works! @Emilius73
  8. I did not expect another hotfix lol. It shouldn't be erroring out though? It should autoadapt to the new minor changes. What error are you getting? Furthermore, nyancats should not happen anymore for an error. I literally disabled that due to confusion between it and April 1st / cat day. It's now a text watermark. Can I get an error report?
  9. You can delete SolarPanels.cfg if using the MultiStarSolarPanels version, but you do not have to.
  10. Figured out a better way to do all those module manager patches, fresh release with possibly faster load times, otherwise identical: Kopernicus release-36 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-36): 1.) A minor bugfix for the ModuleManager patches has been applied that prevents them from spawning over 1000 patches that do pretty much nothing, increasing load time. This release is otherwise identical, so the prior releases notes are included below as they are important: New in last version (release-35): 1.) Release bundling has changed. There are now two releases, the legacy release series 1.8.1 that supports all 1.8.x releases and the modern release series whose version number stays in sync with the latest KSP. The modern series supports all releases post 1.9.0, including 1.9.0, with the same dll. Like magic. Please download the right version. 2.) Disabled new multistar EC math calculation by default, as some modded inflight vessels may not behave well with it (limited testing honestly). To enable it, please back up your save, and download the MultiStarSolarPanels.cfg linked with this release, and place it in GameData/Kopernicus/Config. It may work fine, we really need additional data. 3.) Added a new parameter to Kopernicus_Config.cfg called SolarRefreshRate, which controls the amount of time in seconds between calculations of the multistar solar EC math (when enabled, see above). Raise it if you suffer performance issues from the multistar math. Must be an integer, and the default of 1 second is slower than stock but should be fine for most all instances and strike a balance between performance and speed. 4.) A bug in which freshly generated config files were not loaded has been fixed. 5.) Some minor scatter related bugs have been corrected. 6.) Updated MFI build included in zip where possible (not legacy) to latest version ( 7.) Nyan cats are no longer used to signify an error, we use a simple error message now (we were using reflection to activate them and that's bad practice). 8.) Kopernicus Asteroid Generator support no longer generates comets, which were being spawned in a buggy way anyhow. Use an external mod if you want these for now. Known Bugs: 1.) Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error. 2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively.
  11. It won't once the game loads, but I should probably look into optimizing the way it handles the solar math upgrade a bit more (this is what you are witnessing). But no, it should only slow you down at all during load, and even then probably only on the first run. Actually, if anyone wants to provide feedback on the MM part of this update, I fully admit I am a novice there. Relevant part that could be optimized: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/blob/master/build/KSP19%2B/GameData/Kopernicus/Config/MultiStarSolarPanels.cfg @hemeac any thoughts?
  12. Generally I advise that yes. It's got a tendency to break less going forward.
  13. There are severe heating bugs in interplanetary ranges though with Kopernicus, so, might want to turn off part heating if going that far away.
  14. In your case then you can 100% ignore the error with no bad result. If you were going to use the multistar .cfg file, I would say the odds are more like 90% that there'll be no issue, but you are certainly fine given you are just single star.
  15. Thanks for the report. Are you planning on playing with multistar support? Either way, that error can be safely ignored and the craft re-saved without that module. I’ll add a note about this. The error you experienced is cosmetic and harmless.
  16. Kopernicus release-35 R-T-B released this New in this latest version (release-35) 1.) Release bundling has changed. There are now two releases, the legacy release series 1.8.1 that supports all 1.8.x releases and the modern release series whose version number stays in sync with the latest KSP. The modern series supports all releases post 1.9.0, including 1.9.0, with the same dll. Like magic. Please download the right version. 2.) Disabled new multistar EC math calculation by default, as some modded inflight vessels may not behave well with it (limited testing honestly). To enable it, please back up your save, and download the .cfg linked with this release, and place it in GameData/Kopernicus/Config. It may work fine, we really need additional data. 3.) Added a new parameter to Kopernicus_Config.cfg called SolarRefreshRate, which controls the amount of time in seconds between calculations of the multistar solar EC math (when enabled, see above). Raise it if you suffer performance issues from the multistar math. Must be an integer, and the default of 1 second is slower than stock but should be fine for most all instances and strike a balance between performance and speed. 4.) A bug in which freshly generated config files were not loaded has been fixed. 5.) Some minor scatter related bugs have been corrected. 6.) Updated MFI build included in zip where possible (not legacy) to latest version ( 7.) Nyan cats are no longer used to signify an error, we use a simple error message now (we were using reflection to activate them and that's bad practice). Known Bugs: 1.) Old craft files may complain about a missing module. This is a cosmetic error and can be ignored. Reload and re-save the craft to remove the error. 2.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely, sometimes related to map zoom (be careful zooming out). It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 3.) When zooming out all the way out in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal furthermore sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. Especially note the bold points above! This is now available at CKAN, but without these release notes due to CKAN's nature. Please direct fellow users to these notes if they are confused regarding the solar math config file.
  17. Stop generating EC would be the worst case, though explosions IS possible if for some reason the heat flux calculation went insane (it has yet to be seen in practice though). Ideally nothing will happen, and I've done my best to ensure nothing will happen including with some common mods, but with all the mods around, I can't account for all scenarios, hence me not pulling the trigger on you automatically. My simple advice is this: It will likely work, but back up your save prior to trying it. And please provide feedback even when it works! We are in desperate need of it. Ships that are MOST likely to work are fresh launches that are stock craft. Those least likely to work or exhibit bugs are heavily modded, already launched craft. Of those two traits, the modded part is more signifigant than the "already launched" bit. Unfortunately I only followed them long enough to hit a hardwall against some Unity Engine issues. I had an idea for some work arounds but far more time than I have at the moment is needed (the origin was/is similar to the landing gear sinking bug, which I have mostly fixed, btw). I hope when my real-life work lets up to hit those next.
  18. Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 81 R-T-B released this 6 minutes ago This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here. This is release 81. It contains the following changes: 1.) A bug in which freshly generated config files were not loaded has been fixed. 2.) Some minor scatter related bugs have been corrected. 3.) This is the RC for next stable. As such, multistar support is off by default to ease users on that platform to the new solar math which can be a harsh transition for heavily modded inflight vessels. A simple enabler .cfg config file is included in this release to "toggle on" multistar EC math support, just drop it in Kopernicus/Config if you want that support turned on. Bear in mind, that support may be buggy on modded inflight vessels, it is best to land them if possible. We are working on this. Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely. It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. Please download the right output zip for your version. "LEGACY_18" zips are for 1.8.x, "UBE19+" for anything between 1.9 and 1.11.x. Thanks and as always, report bugs! -RTB
  19. Heads up, got some time to do some work: There is going to be a stable release this weekend (probably today) integrating some of the new changes from bleeding edge. What this means: 1.) Version support restructuring. Like bleeding edge, we will now support a wider range of versions, including minor releases like 1.10.0, etc. The dll for the most part automatically adapts to what it's running on. Only 1.8.x requires a seperate dll. This has been well-vetted and works fine. No, it won't automatically update to 1.12 when it comes out, but hey, it's still pretty neat. 2.) Multistar Solar panel math refactoring. This corrects broken multistar math but may not work with solar packs and is at the moment, very experimental. Of all the changes, this is the most dramatic, and it will be off by default (meaning the game will be running in single-star support mode, and multiple stars will be glitchy). Mainly, it has the potential to break existing in flight vessels, though we've done our best to avoid that, but just to be safe we make YOU toggle it on so you are sure you backed up your save first, and/or grounded all flights. The instructions on how to toggle it on will follow with the release. If you turn it on and find your vessels glitched, you should be able to toggle it back off and recover them. 3.) Other bugfixes both major and minor, I'll document them in full at release time.
  20. Just FYI, I'm still alive and development is ongoing. Just been busy lately. Real life work comes and goes in massive spurts, it seems.
  21. I am honestly unsure what causes this. I usually only see it with incomplete parallax installs. Does anyone know if MPE works with the latest Kopernicus?
  22. To elaborate on this, the best way to go back to stable in this instance is as follows: On the existing bleeding edge "borked" install, please delete solarpanels.cfg from the Kopernicus config folder. Load your save once, ignoring warnings, and then resave it. Then you may safely downgrade to stable with no other changes then loading that new save. It will work fine with parallax. And yes the pipeline needs work. I need more testers before that goes to stable (it won't until it works perfect).
  23. You also need to download both parts, the textures and the parallax mod itself. I find a lot of users only download one zip. That may be your issue. There are two for stock. Links: https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/releases/download/1.2.1/Parallax-1.2.1.zip https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/releases/download/1.2.1/Parallax_StockTextures-1.2.1.zip BOTH of these.
  24. That would have to be an external app, because old versions already released of course won't be aware. But I will probably do this, now that you mention it.
  25. That's basically what's holding up release to stable. I want a save upgrade pipeline, and I'm trying to make it seamless. Short of that, I'll ship some kind of "save upgrader" application. That's the worst case I'd picture. But I think the config file I'm shipping now is actually doing that job. I'm testing it extensively of course. Relevant bit: //First delete all old "KopernicusSolarPanels" fixers @PART:FINAL { !MODULE[KopernicusSolarPanels] }
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