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Everything posted by R-T-B

  1. It's that our shaders were, until most recent releases, broken in OpenGL. Patching to latest stable should fix you nicely.
  2. Release 77 has become the latest stable supporting all modern KSP versions, release 27 stable. I made a new thread to commemorate the occasion, and to stop bugging Prestja (who is busy with school now) with edits to a project he is only minorly contributing to at the moment (no offense man, you are always welcome to help out with us anytime, I know you got the skill). I would advise all not truly desiring to be beta testers of the latest stuff (and bugs) to switch to that going forward. It will be a quality build with only quality fixes that are vetted imported, and now that the initial development cycle to get us up to speed is done, will really be the one you want as a daily driver. It's also on CKAN with no repository hackery (or will be soon). Bleeding edge may see more blood in the near future as we experiment with things I'm not so confident on (cough cough comets etc).
  3. FYI, my work has ceased on Kopernicus. It's not just lack of time, I just can't be bothered to work for such an ungrateful community that is constantly doing leaks of paid (and unpaid, private) users mods. MirageDev's unpaid mod has been the subject of a leak campaign by someone. Until such time as that stops, Kopernicus development from me has stopped as well. Same with blackrack's work. I don't want to see a single pirate copy in the KSP-sphere, guys. This has actually been in effect for a few months, nearly since last release. Consider that the last release until "no pirate builds on KSP discords and sites" is realized. This is very much a subjective thing from my perspective, but I'll be watching. To all legitimately appreciative and non-pirate users who had open requests, I'm sorry, but what you see is what you get until this stops. It doesn't help things that I've been very busy lately, but at least, take solace in the fact the latest build mostly does everything most people could need. The old Kopernicus post follows: Kopernicus Continued Planetary System Modifier is a mod that provides for the graceful introduction of custom celestial bodies in Kerbal Space Program. For those wondering, this is the new thread for the stable branch of Kopernicus under management of R-T-B. @prestja's old thread can be considered closed, and will soon feature a redirect link to here. This was done because @prestja though still a project member is busy with school and we did not want to bother him for every conceivable edit. This is usually the Kopernicus you will want. The bleeding edge branch that used to be the "one to get" is presently for beta tests only. If you want a safe gameplay experience, stable is here with full broad version support! Rejoice! Downloads Download Kopernicus here Credit Credit must be given to current collaborator @prestja as well as previous authors @Thomas P. , @Sigma88 and many others for their incredible work in building an elegant solution for bringing new worlds to KSP. Source Code Source code can be found on the GitHub repository License Kopernicus is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License The last release notes may be found below: New in this latest version release-219: 1.) A small holiday surprise! Added GUI and Kopernicus_Config.cfg parameter "KSCLightsAlwaysOn," if you turn this on or MM patch it on, the KSC lights will always be on (takes effect next scene switch). Useful if mod eclipses bother you because the lights are out, or for low light systems. See Known Bugs & Caveats for known bugs. How to install Kopernicus: Extract the proper version release zip file to your KSP install directory. Replace anything if it asks. Do not simply replace the Kopernicus.dll file, you may miss many parts of the update if you just selectively replace like that. Extract the whole zip, please, or use CKAN. PS: We have a discord community, feel free to join us.
  4. Ah, I see now. You have the Parallax stock textures, but not the parallax base mod, which causes these exact symptoms. This link should sort your install if you add it to your modset. https://github.com/Gameslinx/Tessellation/releases/download/1.1.1/Parallax.1.1.1.zip Also heads up for everyone: As user @prestja is presently busy with school, we will be opening a new thread for Kopernicus stable with the addition of 1.10/1.11 support. This thread will no longer be monitored. We will update this thread with the new link (with me as OP) when that drops.
  5. Oh no it's Waluigi! 1.11.1 support isn't stable yet, and thus not found in this thread. However, we have a beta (that will most likely go stable tomorrow, in fact, because it's nearly there) right here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/195699-181-111r-t-bs-kopernicus-unified-bleeding-edge-branch/
  6. I'm thinking if I don't hear of any worthwhile bugs from my multistar test group, this may be it. We may be seeing stable 1.8.1-1.11.1 tomorrow, thanks to all the testers here. You guys make Kopernicus great, every bit as much as devs like myself. Have a slightly relevant screenshot of Jeb in my testing vessel, dubbed the "Space Flower":
  7. Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 77 R-T-B released this now This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here. This is release 77. It contains the following changes: 1.) Panels will no longer consider barycenters (or any bodies that don't emit light) in the star tracking calculations. 2.) The list of bodies to track is now sorted by how close they are to your vessel, close bodies appearing first. This is a practicality change for some systems where the list of solar bodies can stretch off the screen. 3.) The ringshader bundle in 1.8.1 packages was updated to properly support that platform (D3D dual camera, and all). 4.) ModularFlightIntegrator bundle updated to 1.2.9. (You can always update this manually, we use mainline now). SPECIAL NOTICE: This release is the third and hopefully final release candidate for 1.10.1/1.11.1 going to the stable branch. If it proves bug free in a few days, this will likely end up the stable build. Please help test! Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely. It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. Please download the right output zip for your version. "1.9.1" zips are for 1.9.1, "1.10.1" for 1.10.1, "1.11.0" for 1.11.0, etc. Thanks and as always, report bugs! -RTB
  8. Just FYI, Kopernicus is updating the bundles in latest releases, but you can always update manually. Sarbian's mainline is all we use now.
  9. This is interestng. As far as I know, we don't touch clouds except to fix some stock lighting bugs that should be unrelated. Maybe one of them interacts in some way to produce the rainbow effect? Curious. Certainly a valid solution, even if unintended. Just installing Kopernicus will really not hurt performance and leave you with a stock system, so it's a valid option.
  10. We have identified some bugs with the solar panels when dealing with barycenters. They try to track them and glitch out, getting no power, is the idea. This will be fixed in next release, likely tomorrow. This is only caused if a barycenter templates a star and has luminosity from the sun template. You can work around it temporarily by setting a barycenters luminosity to 0 in the barycenters body config file.
  11. You can use the latest genuine MFI. We will update the bundle on both branches shortly. We have an experimental fix for this for linux/mac in bleeding edge. You are using opengl right? If not then it's probably a seperate 1.8 specific bug and I will look into it for next release (the next stable release will be huge and support quite a few bugfixes that are well vetted, including that). A quick fix you could try is using the very old 1.8.1-1 releases shader folder.
  12. Just dropped, expect on Bleeding Edge CKAN soon. Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 76 R-T-B released this now This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here. This is release 76. It contains the following changes: 1.) Kopernicus_Config.cfg is no longer included in zip archive, but generated on first run if you need one. This prevents wiping out old config files, on CKAN or otherwise. 2.) Solar math was completely bugged in multistar situations. This has been fixed using math emulating the Inverse Square law. The use of double precision means we get a little more EC solar power than in stock game's math, but it is with a margin of 10% and should not really matter. 3.) The solar math also saw an optimization so solar panel heavy craft can run better! It should be much faster on solar-heavy multistar situations now. SPECIAL NOTICE: This release is the second release candidate for 1.10.1/1.11.1 going to the stable branch. If it proves bug free in a few days, this will likely end up the stable build. Please help test! Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely. It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way in map view at interstellar ranges, the navbal sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. 3.) The ring shader still may have some bugs in opengl environments, though minor. It mostly works in testing. Please download the right output zip for your version. "1.9.1" zips are for 1.9.1, "1.10.1" for 1.10.1, "1.11.0" for 1.11.0, etc. Thanks and as always, report bugs! -RTB
  13. Unfortunately, I jumped the gun a bit. The inverse Square logic that is so scientifically acurate, etc? It breaks down past Kerbin orbit inwards. Stock must have some kind of cap on it, because my math is indicating ~70x EC generation for Moho orbit by true inverse square, which I agree is a tad absurd. Guess I have to try to emulate stock afterall. Expect a release tomorrow while I work this out, not today. EDIT: Worked out what was happening, it was some kind of squad scaling around the inner planets. Fixed. Build incoming soon.
  14. So today's work report: I fixed the solar math for multistar. It was pretty buggy. I managed to both optimize it similar to the above and apply my new knowledge of Inverse Square law to do the math much much better. The result is a much more acurate implementation. It's so acurate, I think it actually reveals slight math errors in KSPs own implementation. This means that in general, stock panels get SLIGHTLY more power than stock because it "finds" energy lost due to stock KSP math errors, but we are talking about amounts well under 10% of the panels output in the best case, so don't get too excited. I didn't feel like correcting the math to be "more buggy" like stock (stock uses singles and I use doubles, for those curious, and the losses primarily occur in floating point imprecision). I also did some optimizations that may look odd is select instances, but save major performance and are unlikely to have any gameplay impact. They are as follows: 1.) Flat Solar Panels (with the exception of curved and/or nonstock exotic types) do not consider a body 180 degrees from their tracking direction for light calculations (they do for tracking, but not for EC input, basically). This is because by logic, all flat one sided panels can't accept light on the back side, and that would be silly to track. This manifests itself in both a not insignificant performance gain, and a weird side effect of briefly losing power input if you are between two stars and order the panel to "spin" to the other star (it happens because for a brief moment, the panel is facing a star that by logic, should not be considered for light calculations, so it doesn't get light from it in the game logic). This should not be a problem in a well designed craft, and will not be fixed as the power will return in literally seconds as soon as the servos rotate the panel to the right target star. 2.) The math in general is as mentioned, using double precision and that means we get a little more power than Squads single precision math. Squad did all kinds of lossy conversions (truncating decimals) in their code that I do my best to avoid. This is actually scientifically more accurate, and we are using squads formulas, squad just looses quite a few decimals along the way in stock converting from singles to doubles and worse things (sorry, programming langauge crept in there). This manifests itself as a 1.64 output panel at homeworld orbit making more like ~1.76. I thought about correcting this but I feel 10% boost is not going to signifigantly change any design, and as the science is technically correct, I'll be leaving it. The math is otherwise spot on like stock and should play exactly like stock minus the slight boon in a single star scenario. That's all. Have a screenshot of a floating battery illustrating my point while I prepare release (note the slightly increased output in Kerbin orbit, and provide feedback if it bothers you). Please note, to get this to stable this release will need further testing. I hope we can accomplish that soon enough though!
  15. no, there is still a release up on the beta branch. You can follow the instructions in OP here to get it (at bottom of FAQ) if you don't mind the solar bug that presently exists (or are in a single star system where it does not matter). But yes for CKAN standard with no additional steps, we need to wait for stable. That will probably be until tomorrow. This is to ensure quality for everyone.
  16. Unfortunately, quality checks have revealed the solar math is not only optimizable as seen above, but also horribly off in it's calculations in some extreme multistar scenarios. It will need a rework, and it's long overdue honestly. I still think we can finish it on time, but this release may take a bit longer than the few minutes cited above. Expect it in a few hours Was delayed for reasons above. Optimizing is no good if it's broken, heh. I am confident it will be out sometime this evening PST timezone.
  17. Just FYI EVE is not being maintained by me anymore, but solely blackrack. Please use his.
  18. So... I rate limited the solar math to calculating every physics frame (50 times a second) to twice per second, which should be enough for any situation with no gameplay impact. With this change, I managed an improvement, but honestly, the math is pretty good as is. Here is before and after, with FPS in top left: BEFORE: After: ~20FPS gained. I also detected a bug in the estimated solar panel output (it's 2x what it should be, though actual flowrate is correct, so no gameplay impact). Fixed that as well. I will be releasing these bugfixes for one final testing release. The goal is to be 1.10.1/1.11.1 stable by the weekend, and we are on track for that (if not beating it!) right now. Also, I added a codepath to update existing configs, so it doesn't wipe out Kopernicus_Config.cfg every update. Rejoice! This release will be on bleeding edge in a few minutes. Oh, and one final important announcement: With this final stable release this weekend, bleeding edge may be stagnant for a tiny bit. That doesn't mean it's dead, and it's still where features will get pushed first. We are just debating what to work on next.
  19. My feeling is there won't be many problems, which is good. The one thing I'd stil like to do before stable release is improve the performance of the multistar Kopernicus panel math, sort of like I did with terrain scatters. Right now, it's rather CPU heavy in a similar way. Sound like a good idea for next BE release? Then if that tests out to be stable, we're good? That's the plan anyways.
  20. The stable branch is the only one in CKAN unless you opt into this beta branch. Right now, it only supports up to 1.9.1. You won't have to wait long though, unless a problem pops up, I will probably push this branch which supports all the way to 1.11.1 to stable in the next few days, then you can just find it like usual. If you want it via CKAN now, there are instructions in the OP on how to get the "bleeding edge" beta branch.
  21. What is this, you ask? Why it's the famous SVT, but without the textures that are dated and superseded by stock. In short, SVT still to this day has better scaledversion (space) textures than stock, but down on the ground, it looks worse than stock. This pack rectifies this scenario by only loading the scaled version assets, and thus only getting the good parts, and none of the bad. It also enabled colliders on stock scatters! Based on: By the world famous Galileo, I have full permission from the author for this remix. He retains all rights to the art assets, and this is only a config file change. All the same, the source is available on github here under a CC BY-NC-ND licence to Galileo (not me), with an expressed exemption by Galileo for me to edit the configs like this to maintain their usability. Though I am open to suggestions, keep in mind there are both license limitations, and I am furthermore not an artist. The most I can do is take what's still usable from his ever so pretty work, and apply it to modern KSP. That's all I plan, anyways. Requires Kopernicus, either stable or Bleeding Edge(supports latest versions) A "space view" visual comparison (from 1.7.3, so some bodies like Jool are not valid anymore, but most are similar) is available here: See Pretty Comparisons DOWNLOAD ME
  22. I can only confirm Kopernicus is not an investing app. Sadly it did not result in more asteroids, money, or asteroids made of money.
  23. I tested the new values pretty well. I even tried putting things in that shouldn't be there, like "stonks" instead of "stock" or "true/false" because why not? Of course it gave me a nice error message and good report in the log of why exactly that was wrong. I'm happy. Feel free to see how each value behaves. The file you want to modify is Kopernicus/config/Koperncius_config.cfg. Any text editor will do. The values should be liveswappable in the middle of a game too with just a reload ("should," always have a backup here).
  24. SPECIAL NOTICE: This release is a release candidate for 1.10.1/1.11.1 going to the stable branch. If it proves bug free in a few days (other than the listed mostly minor bugs), this will likely end up the stable build. Please help test! Kopernicus R-T-B Unified "Bleeding Edge" Edition Release 75 R-T-B released this 3 minutes ago This is R-T-B's "Bleeding Edge" branch of Kopernicus, intended to support the latest features, KSP editions, and also the latest bugs. Please keep in mind this branch may be more buggy than Prestja's mainline Kopernicus branch, but it also supports more KSP versions and has more features implemented for testing reasons. Many features that make it into mainline Kopernicus are born, tested, and trialed by fire here. This is release 75. It contains the following changes: 1.) Kopernicus_Config.cfg now accepts parameter UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem with accepted values "true" (default, use Kopernicus Custom Asteroid Generator and scrub Sentinel contracts), "false" (use external mod asteroid generator, or none at all), and "stock" (uses stock game generator, only good for stock system). These values are case insensitive and DO NOT use quotes. 2.) There were some situations where a star that did not emit light was selected as a light source if it still had luminosity set, resulting in darkness. They are no longer considered for lighting calculations if they don't emit light. 3.) The OpenGL ringshader has been fixed via a revert to the last working version, though it still has some very minor bugs that version worked far better than what we had now. Linux users rejoice! Known Bugs: 1.) At interstellar ranges, heat can sometimes behave strangely. It is best to turn off part heating when traveling far far away. 2.) When zooming out all the way in map view at interstellar ranges, the navball sometimes behaves oddly. We are working on this and all the interstellar bugs actively. 3.) The ring shader still may have some bugs in opengl environments, though minor. It mostly works. Please download the right output zip for your version. "1.9.1" zips are for 1.9.1, "1.10.1" for 1.10.1, "1.11.0" for 1.11.0, etc. Thanks and as always, report bugs! -RTB
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