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Posts posted by Kerlix

  1. 52 minutes ago, Mudwig said:

    Can anyone explain how to stop this from happening?

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    Why would it pitch down to -29.2° when it isn't even half way to the top of the atmosphere ( and less than 20 seconds to apoapsis )? I've had no problem launching other rockets with the same settings, but with anything using multiple 1st stage boosters like Delta II or Atlas V it just goes nuts and nose-dives immediately after booster separation.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Do you have multiple command pods and/or guidance units under that fairing? I sometimes noticed that after 1st stage burnout, MJ would use an incorrect (180* opposite) orientation and attempt to flip the rocket around. Obviously not conducive to reaching orbit.

    If I ever have any doubts, I'll just insert a guidance unit somewhere on the 2nd stage and click "Control from Here" and it would use the proper orientation into orbit. 

    I would either then ditch that stage if there were 3, or just select to control from a command pod or docking port at the top of the ship once the fairing was jettisoned.


    If this has nothing to do with your problem, then I apologise for taking up time with a useless solution. Just the first thing that popped into my head.

  2. Hello, all!

    First, I'm very new to this and am sure this will become very clear to people.

    I had an idea for something that would essentially pull trajectory data from a rocket/spacecraft in flight and display it in much the way the screens in a real world mission control would. 

    Basically a graph showing altitude and range with other information displayed around it showing velocity, inclination, etc.

    Ideally, it would be displayed on a 2nd monitor as I'd fear that having it open on the main screen would grind frame rates to a stone-age halt.

    Then, once in orbit, have the ability to show that orbit and also be able to see the orbit change and the trajectory leading out to the Min or Duna, etc. And be able to switch the planetary body once a vessel is there.

    A lot like the tracking station screen but visible while in flight while looking at the rocket/spacecraft and really just a 2D representation instead of a 3D "God's View" of everything.

    I'm also interested in figuring out how to take data from, say Kerbal Engineer Redux, and being able to export that data to a spreadsheet. In that way, I'd be able to plot things like altitude, velocity, TWR, delta-v burn and the like. Being able to do that in real-time or at least at constant intervals to create plots and stuff.

    Is something like this possible? If so, where would I begin to learn how to extract the relevant information and have it displayed inside of my module?

    Thank you for any help you may be able to provide.

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