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Everything posted by Charis

  1. Great! And now I've reinstalled my Near Future mods and it still seems to work. Thanks a ton! Looking forward to 1.8.1 <3
  2. Sorry for the late response. I've now tried reinstalling the game and install just Beyond Home and it's affliliate mods. Solar Panels seem to work now, but Graphics - Terrain Detail it just says: Low - Default - High - High - High - High I can't get the Beyond Home - Low / Med / High anymore. Log: https://puu.sh/EA3MN/0d20ef9637.log
  3. Thanks! KSP log Will this do? Or is there another log I need to grab?
  4. So, I've recently gotten into this mod and it's quite nice! Except I have just one small problem.. Not all Solar Panels are working with the new celestial bodies. (I have tried running the Near Future pack on it's own before applying Beyond Home and it all worked fine!) I've tried disabling all mods I could think of related to electricity and solar, but didn't change anything. The solar panels just report 0.0 exposure in direct sunlight. Here's a list of the mods I'm running on KSP 1.7.3 - B9PartSwitch - BeyondHome - CommunityCategoryKit - CommunityResourcePack - CommunityTechTree - CustomPreLaunchChecks - DeployableEngines - DynamicBatteryStorage (NearFutureElectrical) - EVE - HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - KAS - KerbalKonstructs - KIS - Kopernicus - MakingLessHistory - ModularFlightIntegrator - NearFutureConstruction - NearFutureElectricalCore - NearFutureLaunchVehicles - NearFutureProps - NearFuturePropulsion - NearFutureSolar - NearFutureSolarCore - NearFutureSpacecraft - Scatterer - Sigma - ModuleManager 4.0.3
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