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Everything posted by Skorj

  1. This part I think would fit well with KSP. Specifically, procedural tank height. Adding stuff like procedural engines changes the game away from "space Legos", but if the only thing procedural is tank height, then it gets rid of the annoying problem of having to leave small tank half empty (and lose significant delta-V, or have too much fuel and lose TWR) to keep the look you want on your rocket. Procedural wings would be great for KSP1, since you could limit it to wings you could build anyhow, just with a lower part count, but maybe we won't care about part count in KSP2!
  2. It would be a complete overhaul of the engine, but then in interviews they said they did a complete overhall of the engine, so I'm hopeful. The tree structure of parts was the hardest thing for me to get my head around as a new player.
  3. A full RSS and Realism Overhaul is exactly the sort of thing I'd be happy to see as DLC. Of all the ways to "monetize" KSP2, I hope they go the way of complex alternative ways to play the game. RSS is the "new game plus" of KSP, after all.
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