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Everything posted by Asger

  1. I tried what you suggested with a fresh install of both game and latest version of the mods but ran into the same problem. The blizzy's toolbar never shows up. Afterward I tried downloading RCS Build Aid again to see if the toolbar needed a mod that can use it in order to display and it did not. One interesting thing is that the Toolbar Controller mod sets all other mods to stock as if Blizzy's toolbar is not even installed. Here is a screenshot of the KSC on load in. https://1drv.ms/w/s!AtsZoD6UFOhVebAHjizirTkStAs?e=nLjo8e The basic blizzy's toolbar that allows you to make your first selection of buttons never shows up in this or any scene. Here is the log link as well. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtsZoD6UFOhVeOVF6JwbZmhR6Gk?e=eojfHs Thanks again for the help.
  2. Thanks for the reply, I've tried it now with Mechjeb 2 and RCS Build Aid along with Toolbar Controller to make sure they were only on Toolbar. No luck, the basic toolbar that is supposed to display with the mod installed that allows you to choose your first set of buttons is not displaying for some reason.
  3. So, been trying to figure this out. I'm running a fresh install of the game and only have Toolbar and ClickThruBlocker installed from CKAN but the initial toolbar never shows up in any scene. Here is a log if it helps. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtsZoD6UFOhVdzo_ydVdjOA6EHY?e=3oGhaU
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