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Everything posted by foodini

  1. I accidentally allowed the burn to continue until the nacelle tank was empty and discovered that it had started draining the core tank. This doesn't make sense to me, as the fuel line priority is usually the other way around. The tank at the starting point of the fuel line is drained first. For example, in asparagus staging, you run your lines from the first tower to decouple to the second tower, to the third, to the last. The first tower to decouple is drained first, since it's at the source end of the fuel lines. What gives?
  2. Normally, I use fuel lines to set up asparagus stagings. This time, I'm needing to build a ship that lands on a cargo bay so I can drive a rover in and out, so the engines are in nacelles. I want to feed liquid fuel from tanks in the core to the external tanks/engines (and from the ore processors to the central tanks), but a quick burn test tells me that fuel is not transferring from the center to the nacelles. (I have NO IDEA how I'm going to test getting fuel from the processor to the tank without actually doing the launch.) I _can_ open the tanks, individually, and manually pump fuel around, but that's not going to be convenient when I'm mid-flight. I do have crossfeed enabled on the decouplers. It's hard to see in the image, but the lines are running from the processors to the center tanks and from the center tanks to the nacelles. Thanks...
  3. This seems to have been a savegame issue, as in looking back at my Mission Control, it's now un-upgraded (as are a couple other parts of the complex.) Re-upgrading them has seemed to do the trick for now. I'll follow up if the SG drops them again. This is on on OSX. No mods. I'm playing a Science game from scratch. I upgraded my tracking station once and got the prograde/retrograde buttons next to the nav ball, but when I upgraded again, they disappeared and I can't create maneuvering nodes. Being short on cash in the early game is always a problem in this mode, and I've never found that part of it to be much fun, so I modded my savegame, adding $5M. That is the only unusual thing about this game. However, the issues didn't start with the mod - they started with the tracking station upgrade THanks.
  4. I've recently acquired a 3dConnexion, 6-axis mouse and connected it to my machines. I thought it would be interesting to fire up KSP with it, but I get problems w/ Windows 10 and OSX. On OSX, even if I turn the speed all the way down and the threshold nearly all the way up (in the driver manager), the rotation/translation rate is very high, and when the mouse is released, the camera movement doesn't zero - it just keeps spinning and moving in whatever direction it was going when input was last given. On Windows 10, the game doesn't respond to the mouse at all. On both machines, the 3d mouse is set up, configured, and working in other software - or, at least, the driver and Fusion 360. Is there a way to get this input device working in either of these platforms. I'm using a freshly installed OSXPlayer en-us. In both cases, starting new games from scratch. Oh, and I did notice that the first time or two that I started the game, the regular 2d mouse controls didn't seem right on OSX. I can't swear by it, but it does seem to have remedied itself, now that I've disconnected the 3d device. Thanks.
  5. I've also tried getting 3dConnexion mouse support working and all that happens is the camera spins way out of control. Turning the threshold on all 6 axes all the way up and the speed all the way down helps - after a fashion. The speed is almost manageable, but when you release the mouse, the camera keeps spinning. You can't stop it. It's really too bad, because once you have gotten addicted to a 6 DOF mouse, anything else is painful.
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