I began making Kerbal Space Program cinematics in 2012, when Kerbal Space Progam was still on it's .vbullitin. I credit my channel growth to the parrellel between my understanding of editing and composition, while Kerbal Space Program began to really get going. Many people stuck around, and we began to see names connected to Youtube Channels on the subject matter of this game. We all offered something new and different to the community.
This film was the pinnicle--for myself and the people who helped work with me. My channel slowed down for a bit, as I headed back to uni, for film production, to learn the industry and standards within Los Angeles county. Indie films, by Hollywood standards range anywhere from a $1-11 million budget average, Rom-Coms and drama are upward, and then we begin to see budgets of $400,000,000 for a studio to produce an action film. Budgeted at 500 times lower than even half of the lowest Hollywood standard indie film budget, we are all very proud of the quality of V O Y A G E R. I am sorry it is not up to your standards.
Death is a void that as an non-believer I find quite daunting. My best way to motivate my life, be relevent and fight this innevitable fate is to create. Creation makes me feel like I can fight back the dark, for now, and at least leave something for even just one person to see when I am gone.
I will try harder next time, as I am still learning